View Full Version : Wishing you all a Merry Xmas

paula lynne
23-12-10, 16:25
Dear friends, a quick message for you.......
I wish you all a merry christmas, and a happy, healthy new year x
Never give up hope that you will be well...I hope you find the answers you are looking for, and Im sending you big cwtches (ask Nigel) from Wales....

Its a time to count your blessings, and be grateful...think of those who are far worse off, we are lucky really that we can breathe, move, talk, sleep, have food on the table. and a warm bed to sleep in. We are probably much luckier than we imagine.......

Thank you NMP for your support over the past monthes, my world would be a lot smaller and empty without you. Best wishes to you all...P x:hugs:

Hazel B
23-12-10, 16:34
Nadolig Llawen!
Best wishes to you Paula!:hugs:

paula lynne
23-12-10, 16:44
OOOHHHH Hazel, Im well impressed!!!

(What does that mean then ?:blush:) xxx

|Love to you and yours Hazel xxx

23-12-10, 16:46
My dad's side of the family are welsh too :D
Mum's side are italian :wacko:
best wishes :bighug1:

Hazel B
23-12-10, 16:47
Merry Christmas! Thought I'd impress you! I lived in Bangor when I was little and remember traces of Welsh.

I wish you peace and joy for the New Year, you're an inspiration.:hugs:x

23-12-10, 17:02
merry christmas to u to x x :bighug1:

23-12-10, 17:53
:yesyes:Merry Christmas to you all here:yesyes:

23-12-10, 18:57
To Dear Paula,

Wishing you and yours a Merry Xmas and a Peaceful, Happy and Healthy 2011....

lots of love,


23-12-10, 19:05
Merry Christmas to all x

23-12-10, 19:57
Merry Xmas to all toox and hope xmas is everything you want it to bex

23-12-10, 19:59
Merry Christmas to you too Paula, and wishing you a healthy and happy 2011 x

23-12-10, 20:21
Merry Christmas

Wishing you and your family a wonderful time.
Onwards and upwards for 2011!

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Cwtches :winks:
Nigel xx

23-12-10, 20:37
Merry Christmas To All
& a Happy New Year :yesyes:

Linda (daisy) :winks: