View Full Version : Massive panic this morning

23-12-10, 17:37
I had blood tests on Monday, rang Dr's on Tuesday and was told they was all normal! (I was over the moon!!) The surgery rang today to say that 'the rest of the blood tests' had come back and that my GP wanted to see me :scared15: terrified is NOT the word!...I rang my husband in tears and he came home from work, me being a past cancer sufferer and with now having anxiety bad, well, you can imagine:weep: When he saw me he said i'm aneamic and borderline underactive thyroid :ohmy:,(phew - I think....better than any cancer coming back) Well i'm already knackered on the Propranolol and again most of the symptoms of anemia are the same as anxiety, I still have to go for my heart checked next month so am praying that will be ok, is anyone else on here aneamic? I also have very heavy periods so he has also given me tablets to lessen that, they are called Tranexamic (first time i've heard of em):wacko:

24-12-10, 10:25
I am going to venture to our local town this morning, we need the Meat n fresh veg, I don't mind the actual Market but I know I have to go to whats called The Grand Arcade (Wigan) I can get palps thinking about it BUT I'm gonna go there and take my deep breaths saying the usual in my head (it won't kill you your just in a panic!) wish me luck, last time I went in there my legs buckled, I started sweating, dizzy, nearly sick and heart pounding BUT am still gonna do it!:scared15:

24-12-10, 10:33
The best of luck.
Will be thinking of you