View Full Version : cancer worry

23-12-10, 18:05
well i have been to my dr (who is a skin specialist) about a few moles i have...like fried eggs abit!! he has said for the 4th or 5th time in 6 mths that they r benign and dont need removing. they havent changed in n e way for as long as i can remember but my mind is playing tricks on me no thinking have they???? i am walking around convinced i have a melenoma and the dr missed it!!! my partner says that he is a dermatoloisy he would spot it a mille off but why cant i beleive him????!!!! would the dr spot it do you think??? thanks

23-12-10, 18:43
Its more than a consultant dermatologists job to misdiagnose malignant melanoma- he knows exactly what they look like. My son has what you describe like a fried egg - he has a irregular pale brown patch surrounded by a halo of very white skin - its called a solar nevus or some such thing and he is now 30 yrs old and it first appeared when he was 11 yrs old.

23-12-10, 18:54
The one I have is like an oval brown flat mole with a light brown surround, it is symetrical and the color is very even but I still worry!! I hate this fear , I am terrified of my babies having no mum x

23-12-10, 19:18
:( *hugs* I'm sorry you're feeling like this. I had amongst everything else mole worries and went to a dermatologist when my gp referred me because I had a mole that was shaped like a "flame" and I had myself with skin cancer and I even started discovering new ones,examining myself in the mirror :( I lost over a stone because of all the anxiety.
I went to this dermatologist who looked and told me straight away..nothing to worry about. They wouldn't miss it. It's their job they speciailise in that area! I am the pot calling the kettle black though because I have my worries just now too but I want to comfort you and let you know tha tyou are fine honestly! If they thought something was untoward they would have did other tests. Message me any time if you want to talk love


24-12-10, 13:59
does anybody else have the moles that i describe??? like a dark centre with light pigment around the edge?? like an egg!!!! i am worrieing still after visiting my dr 6 times this yr!!!n (he is a skin specialist to)