View Full Version : My ultrasound scan yesterday :(

23-12-10, 18:43
:( I had an ultrasound scan of my reproductive organs,liver and kidneys because of my abdominal pain and back pain etc that I have been getting and I don't fail to surprise myself at how upset I can get at things that I don't know about. But I'm still doing it. I am pretty sure I saw things I shouldn't have on my kidney scan!

As I lay and had it done,I glanced up at the screen and seen my kidney.. then the other kidney..and the other kidney looked like it had 4 solid masses in it! One near in the centre and like 3 all round the edge!

I can't stop crying.. And I was at the doctor yesterday morning BEFORE the scan because she wanted to repeat blood tests for my liver levels and she said if they go down slightly but are still raised and if there is no change then she'll repeat them in 6 weeks AGAIN! I can't help but think I have kidney and liver failure or cancer or something and my rational side is saying,"You can't read scans" But I definitely seen something on the scan and the woman doing put like a scale line or something next to the outer part of my kidney and took an image!

:scared15::scared15::scared15::scared15::scared15: :weep::weep::weep::weep: I am going to spend Christmas worrying and being sick. I'm sick anyways

23-12-10, 19:43

I'm sorry your feeling so bad. From past experience I have learnt NEVER to look at the screen yourself and guess what something might be. I have done this with breast ultrasounds and it turns out it was absolutely NOTHING to worry about. I like you got mysrlf into such a state about it all.

I know its hard but try and relax and enjoy christmas. I am worrying about a lump I have but there is nothing I can do about it for 6 weeks so as much as I am worrying and am scared to death, I have to try and remain calm about it.

Hope you are feeling a little better

Loads of love and have a good christmas


23-12-10, 19:49
Hi.i had an ultrasound on all my organs and i did the same thing and saw what i thought was dark oatched on my kidney.but i was assured it wad all perfectly fine.and im sure urs w:yesyes:ill b too!!

24-12-10, 20:44
you're not a doctor - i bet it's fine and your problem is anxiety

If punters could read x rays, why would we need consultants and radiologists?!

24-12-10, 22:27
I'd wait for the results and not worry. Radiographers train for many years, you cannot tell from the screen yourself if something is wrong.

Good luck x

25-12-10, 03:36
did you ask her at all about what you saw?
sorry you had to see it, it would have me in a right state too, especially after comparing it to the other kidney.
I'm sure if it was any thing at all to worry about she would have said something or told you that your scan was good x

25-12-10, 06:27
As I write this, I'm sitting in the x ray dept at work (yes it is Xmas Day) . It's my job to take x rays and look at them . I can't read utrasound scans, I wouldn't have a clue. They often look nothing like what's really there. they measure all sorts of things while they're doing it, it's routine, they do it on all of them, whether they see anything or not. I know it's hard, but please try to be patient until you hear the report. I'm a real worrier too, so I know how you feel, not knowing is the worst part, so find something to keep you occupied till yu get the result.

26-12-10, 17:02
Hi all.thanks all so much for the replies..as i was leaving she said she would send the results to the gp
And they would take a few days..and she said but everything looks ok or some thing like that..but i have
It in mmy head that she maybe didnt want to say cos it was day befor xmad eve and she didnt want to ruin it!
Cant win..and these blood test with the elevated liver levels..:(

princess Leah
26-12-10, 17:38
You`ll probably get the all clear and wonder why you worried yourself in the first place. I know i`ve done it myself let my imagination run wild with worry and work my self up into a terrible state try and stay positive and remember your not an expert on ultrasounds and if they had really found anything terrible they would not of let you walk away you would of been admitted immediatley. Take a deep breath and blow away all those bad thoughts you could be torturing yourself over nothing! I know its all easier said than done.
Take Care xx:hugs:

26-12-10, 18:36
I think if there had been anything wrong, she wouldn't have said it all looked ok - she just would have said 'you have to wait to see your GP'. Alos, what you are describing sounds like the normal makeup of a kidney - it has one large part in the centre, and then two or three 'globules' around the outside.
http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.acousticview.com/userfiles/image/kidney_ultrasound.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.acousticview.com/technologies.php%3Ftechnology%3D11&usg=__dKYx6S4-8G5NLIQDgWZGcieTjBk=&h=167&w=444&sz=47&hl=en&start=5&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=rO9VC_buLKwipM:&tbnh=48&tbnw=127&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dkidney%2Bultrasound%2Bpicture%26um%3D 1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DN%26tbs%3Disch: 1
hope this helps - I am sure it will be ok.

26-12-10, 19:00
I wouldnt worry too much about your liver levels being slightly elevated either, My last blood screening showed that mine were up too, but my Gp said that just being overweight a couple of stones can cause this or if you happened to be a bit partial to a few glasses of wine per week, hence the advice he gave me to try and loose a bit and not drink any more than one unit a day of alcohol, which i cannot have anyway due to the medication i have been put on since i last visited him.

He finally confided that his Liver levels were also slightly raised because he enjoyed a drop of single malt Whiskey at weekends, but said that it really wanst anything to worry about and at his age of about 60 he wasnt about to give up his Saturday night pleasure now!
