View Full Version : Swelling around impacted canine tooth

23-12-10, 19:17
Ive been extremely worried about an impacted canine tooth for years now. I never had it sorted when i was younger due to fear of the dentist and it would be way too expensive and too much of a long process to get it sorted now.

So I am in constant fear of it getting infected. Right now there is a bit of swelling around the area and it causing me huge anxiety. I keep thinking what if it becomes extremely painful and I wont be able to go to the dentist. Especially now its Christmas and Im travelling back home tomorrow.

I have been doing well with my health anxiety for a while now but im back to a shaky worried wreck again. I think it also has a lot to do with the amount of alcohol i drank last night.. i usually dont drink much alcohol.

I have had dentists tell me it shouldn't get infected.. but every bit of research ive found says that it is likely. It's like waiting for a time bomb to explode and make my worst fears happen.. having extreme pain and not being able to do anything about it.

This isn't like impacted wisdom teeth its a lot less common and is usually fixed with braces and surgery from an earlier age.

23-12-10, 19:27
Is it sore? If it isn't,it's not infected so you're worrying yourself silly for nothing! *hugs* I'm sorry you're going through this just now but even the dentists have said it wouldn't get infected.. and the fact you have been to dentists shows you CAN go. So IF it ever did happen to become infecected, you would be able to go to the dentist.

I have an impacted wisdom tooth that they can't do anything about just now for whatever reason and the gum was VERY sore and swollen,to the point I couldnt eat open my jaw nothing..I went to the dentist and he looks and gave me antibiotics and it cleared fine,please try calm xxx

23-12-10, 19:45
I've had this before and it was painful but like Weemee I had antibiotics, only when it got to the point i couldn't eat though.

You'll be ok.
