View Full Version : Worried and Don't Know What To Think

23-12-10, 21:21
Yesterday I haven't been out in awhile and we took a long drive.I seemed to be fine..We came back and worked out in the garage adjusting my seat and my wife's seat on our bikes..

I took my bike and road down the street and back without too much effort and came home and felt ok.

For the last month or so I have been laying around a lot and doing just little things here and there. I haven't walked very much except around the yard and house.

Last evening we needed to go to the grocery to pick up a few things so we headed there and I felt ok..didn't really feel anxious and walked through the store but when getting to the back suddenly didn't feel that I could breathe.

The more I tried the worse it got. My legs got weak and I got a little nervous ,not panic just nervous..I went and found my wife and I went outside and we took a ride and told the people at the grocery we would be right back.

When I was in the car I seemed pretty calm and felt a little weak..but calm.We went back and I sat in the car and tried to relax..My wife came out and we went home and I still didn't feel good the rest of the night.I felt a little uneasy and kind of weak..

Today I woke and have felt a little breathless and just worried that Im not sure just what happened last night.Was it something wrong with me physically or was it anxiety or both?

Today my breathing doesn't feel right although my pulse is 68 to 73 my breathing just doesn't feel right..Im really depressed now because before last evening I was feeling positive about not worrying and now I feel the need to worry because as I said im not sure its the fact that maybe I haven't walked alot in the last few weeks..or anxiety or maybe a heart or lung issue.

I don't want to feel this way and have been able to concentrate on other things lately but today I can't get it off my mind..

I need to know..If you are truly out of breath...wouldn't your heart rate go up? If you were truly out of breath wouldn't it be consistent?

Why am I ok to walk around the yard but going into a big store I can't breathe and my legs get weak?

Please please please someone help. I can't get this off my mind...?????????

23-12-10, 21:36
was there much of a temperature difference in the back of the store?
the suddenly feeling like you can't breath happens me too, it can come of of know where which makes it hard to accept it was anxiety.
when you tried to breath and couldn't I'm guess thats when you though "uh oh this is not good" and your anxiety started to increase.
your legs being weak again just anxiety and also possible the store might have been a bit warm.
when you go from a cold temp, to a hotter temp, very fast, like outside to inside that does cause your body a small amount of stress.
I get that sense of weakness a lot , worse when I'm anxious and you might find that you feel more tired than usual.
when you woke up was the air very cold? that can make you feel breathless, also heart palpations can really make you feel very breathless too.
is your breathing ok when you are distracted?

23-12-10, 21:48
It could have been the difference in the heat and cold because its way back in the store.I have a severe allergy to bleach and my wife said they could have been using it to clean the floor in the meat market.. and it bothered me..But I don't really remember smelling anything. I do remember trying to rush through the store to get through and as I said I haven't done a whole lot of walking lately so it could have been perfectly normal being out of breath a bit..and yes im sure the anxiety and adrenaline kicked in because I got scared and the adrenaline even lingered after I was outside..maybe keeping me weak..

But if there was something really wrong with my heart or lungs ...wouldn't it been difficult for me to get out of the store? I mean.. my wife said that when she saw me ..and I ask her to walk me out..I just strolled out of the store and seem to be all better when we were out in the fresh air. Doesn't sound like a failing heart or lungs..to me but then im not a doctor..

As for when I was waking up this morning..We sleep with the window open believe it or not with the cold air because it gets stuffy in the house at night.It was really cold this morning and I think that I mostly started feeling that breath thing when I was thinking about what happened last night..

I don't want to start being agoraphobic or something..I try to get out everyday and do..so I wont be that way..this thing in the store has set me back to where im not sure where I am with my anxiety. My wife says don't dwell on it but I have been sitting looking up symptoms of lung disease and heart problems and etc etc..

Its weird.. sometimes when im doing things I don't start feeling short of breath until I look for it..I think my breathing is ok when im not thinking of it and I sleep pretty well so I don't think its a lung problem. No cough ,or spitting up blood or the usual things.. just a feeling im not getting enough oxygen.

Im just so confused if I should not try to do something like go around the store again or just keep trying.Im scared

23-12-10, 22:19

23-12-10, 22:57
Hya, I'm not a doctor, but it certainly sounds like anxiety. I get like that when I go into big stores or shopping malls. Take care x

23-12-10, 23:35
ok people get breathless a lot, it's only ever serious if you actually can't stand up, or pass out.

If you stop going out you will end up agoraphobic!
it;s better to keep going, because you can sit inside until you feel better but you won't get better from staying around the house.

your definitely having more health anxiety lately, your wife is right not to dwell on it.

Going home
24-12-10, 01:03
Hi Michael, reading your posts you seem to examine every move you make and every breath you take...I think you are driving yourself crazy with this. Your breathing and heartrate will change with everything you do, that's normal. Please try to understand that its maybe not normal to be able to give a blow by blow account of every breath and heartbeat...and before you jump on me for this, try and see it like this for yourself, it might just help you to understand your anxiety.

Anna x

24-12-10, 02:29
Going Home Anna? Have you got it out for me? With 1000 post you don't have one moment of panic or asking a question you didn't know the answer too? I think you are like the kettle calling the pot black.. I went through your post and it seems you have gone out of your way to answer my post..Why? I mean..since I am doing something wrong by being here. I never jumped on you and if you think that you have a complex.

I only stated in one post that you said I needed to go to the doctor ,and I said I didn't want to..I wouldn't call that jumping on you..but you have crossed the line a little here with basically saying that Im giving a blow by blow account? What?

And if you are asking me about blow by blow accounts ...its going to take you a long time everyday to reply to everyone on here that gives a blow by blow paragraph after paragraph.. Geez ..Yes I might be driving myself crazy but I ask a legitimate question here and got an answer.. I don't see any encouragement here from you ,only just criticism .. Please in the future if you don't have anything encouraging or supportive .. just look at the next post and don't worry about mine..I mean its easy for you to just let it slip right on down the list.

Also I went out of my way not to post anything for three or four days.. Anna, im not going to let you stop me posting here nor asking questions .. I have been here since 2006 and you since 2009..so I don't think you need to be telling me whats happening to me. Yes anxiety can make you feel a little crazy but most of us it comes and goes..

Sometimes its months even years that you don't have it and then there are other times that it bothers you for many months and then subsides..Im trying hard to get by this time and felt good about the reply I got from the other people..I want you to know that im not jumping on you .. but feel that you might have me.. I don't want to be the target for your hostility again so please please please please please with the upmost respect.. When you see looking4answers.. and im sure you will .. Please just skip whatever" craziness " I have posted about myself or whatever and just go to the next person that you can tell them they are crazy. K? thanks in advance..

24-12-10, 09:36
HI Michael

It sounds to me that you have become hyperaware of your breathing. I do this as well - funnily enough, I was very aware of it yesterday and it's really hard to get rid of the thought and just let your body do the things that it's programmed to do without us worrying about it.

Like you, I only seem to become aware of it when I think about it, which is a surefire way of anxiety being behind it. I seem to remember that you don't like going to doctors, which is a shame - a very quick way of checking your breathing would be for someone to check you out with a peak-flow meter to check your lung capacity. If it's normal, there's not much chance of it being a "real" breathing problem, I'm sure.

Hope this helps.