View Full Version : can't catch my breathe

23-12-10, 22:10
Hi guys

Havent been on for a while as I thought I was getting the hang of things but I'm in an absolute state tonight. I went out last night and ended up having a massive drunken argument with my boyfriend and he basically turned round and told me he couldn't handle being with me anymore with me being ill and how things have been different since they started happening. I can barely get off the sofa for a glass of water, im pinned down in agony. he's at work and i'm absolutely terrified i'm about to have a huge panic attack. I don't know how to manage them on my own. Keep thinking I should go to a&e but I know thats the wrong thing to do and my brain is very very confused. PLease help!


23-12-10, 22:24
You will be fine..People like that just make the anxiety worse..Sorry you had a tiff with him and he made you feel bad..I hope you feel better..sometimes even alone anxiety is better without people making you feel like crap.Good luck and hope you feel better.

23-12-10, 22:40
Hi Jenny beth,
I am sorry you feel so low and anxious. When you read lots of the threads it seems that stress at xmas is a major contributor to anxiety.
You said you had it before but thought you were going along the right road.....that shows you that you can get there again :yesyes:
Have you tried repeating positive statements " I can and I will get through this"......I had a really bad panic 2 weeks ago and managed to get hold of my counsellor on the phone.....she talked me through it by saying that how I was feeling was an escalation of panic which I was allowing to happen and infact I was fuelling those thoughts by telling myself I was going mad. You must see this as it is which is a temprary blip ....you can and will get through this...you have before and you will again. Good Luck and let me know how you get on. Michelle x