View Full Version : Help oh please reassure me I'm not dying.

23-12-10, 22:43
Hey guys. So ive been a bit panicky lately since I just finished finals and Im waiting for my resluts. I havent slept well this past week also. My reflux is even acting up.

As of right now, I feel like my heart is literally stopping, Its beating fast and pounding as well. I feel slightly short of breath also. I cant stop burping and I feel a pressure in my chest.

What made it worse is that I googled and I saw something about paraesophegul hernia or something and it made me terrified cuz it said something about causing strangulation and death and I'm terrfiied that Im going through this right now.

I'm do for a physical next month, but I had a whole bunch of tests in about 9 months ago for my heart such as an echo, 5 ecg's, 2 chest x-rays and a ton of blood work. Please tell me im not dying.

My chest feels weird and I can feel my heart beating eerywhere. i already tested my bp like a hundred times with the lowest reading being 111/70 and the highest being 130/80. :weep::weep::weep::weep::weep:

23-12-10, 22:48
Hi Mark801, It's sounds to me like anxiety - you've been under pressure re your exams. Waiting for the results can be worse than doing them! Good luck with your results :).

23-12-10, 22:57
Thanks for your response. I just feel like I'm having a heart attack or something. My heart is skipping and my chest feels weird and then it'll start pounding or racing. This has been going on a few hours now and I can't calm down.

23-12-10, 23:00
Hi, that sounds awful. Sometimes the more we think about it, the worse it gets - but I'm sure you know that. If you're really concerned what about contacting NHS Direct?

23-12-10, 23:51
Exams are extremely stressful, waiting for results IMO more so, and this sounds like anxiety.

Try some breathing excercises, or perhaps try something to take your mind off your chest.

And stop testing your BP!

24-12-10, 00:50
i have been getting a lot of skipped beats recently and the feeling that my heart has actually stopped. this started due to stress at uni, social anxiety and i think excessive drinking. I was in a state this time last week but then i went to see my boyfriend for the week,caught up with friends and went christmas shopping. This helped me to forget all about my heart concern and i felt normal. Now that I'm back home I feel so much worse again and the ectopic beats have returned, they have been quite bad tonight and i also have chest pain and fluttering sensations. Being alone makes me so much worse because all i do is begin to worry and become very preoccupied with what my heart is doing, constantly checking my pulse and leading to severe anxiety and stress :( I know how it feels to be worried about having a heart attack and dying, I experience these thoughts very often when I'm anxious and that causes my symptoms to become even more frequent :(

I also get reflux and seriously can't eat anything without getting indigestion. I have been told numerous times that indigestion can cause ectopic beats, so we just need to keep telling ourselves that.

get better soon :)

Natalie x
25-12-10, 01:05
Hi. Sorry to hear you are having a bad time. I too worried about a heart stopping feeling leading to me constantly checking my pulse and being so tuned in to every sensation. The best thing to do is to try and break the habit and ignore it. You are under a lot of stress with your exams and the anxiety is making things worse. Try to distract yourself with something else x