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View Full Version : Dilemma - Thrush or cystitis?

23-12-10, 23:25
Have been suffering with redness, soreness/itch and a nasty discharge, pain on weeing too. Phoned my Gp this morning who thought I had thrush, told me to go get the medicine from the chemist.. Took the tablet about 12 hours ago with no effect... Mum says its probably a water infection or just irritation and it'll clear up? Not sure what to do though - dont really want to phone my GP again but then again I dont want to be sore xmas day, and I cant afford to buy more medicines? Just needing some sensible advice! xx

23-12-10, 23:52
daisycake, it sounds like thrush by the soreness and itching and discharge, but also cystitis from the weeing pain, and perhaps you have a bit of both going on, although you can also get cystitis like pain with thrush too.I had something similar earlier this year and was VERY confused as to what I had, but in fact I had a UTI and also thrush externally (sore like you) and when given an internal exam by my GP, I was very red inside too.

I assume that the pill you took was oral fluconazole once only which should work within 48 hrs or so. Personally, I have only taken it once, and didn't notice much change, but had more success with the external creams and the internal pessary or internal cream. I would HIGHLY recommend either the pessary or internal cream as they should knock it on the head from the inside so that your external symptoms cool down.

IMO the external symptoms of thrush are the worst things and the creams really help calm things down. My advice would be to give the cream a shot (clotrimazole cream) and if things don't settle in a few days to a week, seek help again. You can get the creams over the counter easily.

Good luck hun.xx

23-12-10, 23:59
OK, thats kind of what i was thinking, it gets more complicated as I have excema there too as it is so dont know if this is just a flare up of that! GP said to take the pill and then contact her tommorow if no change but I dont want to annoy her by calling back, if you see what I mean! It would be so much easier just to see a GP - phone my local surgery as opposed to the one I'm registered with at uni - and get a diagnosis then and there but apparently I've got to just try and sort it all over the phone with my GP - even she commented this morning that its not very easy to do!! Sorry you had to go through the same thing, its not fun is it! Cant afford canesten cream as its £13 and cant get to a bank due to snow :( but ah well... There is the option of leaving it to go by itself/waiting til I'm back at uni in Jan at some point... xx

24-12-10, 00:06
daisycake, I know, the creams are RIDICULOUSLY expensive so I totally see that's hard for you as I have the same prob. I always dread getting thrush again as the meds are so pricey which IMO is a disgrace!

In that case my advice would be to contact your GP again as thrush is a real stubborn bugger and needs treating. I can see how it is complicated by your eczema, but I think the clue to thrush is the discharge as well, and not just the itching and soreness. Do you use anything specifically on that area for your eczema though? That is certainly a very tricky area to have eczema, poor you.

The one bonus about getting something from your GP is price of course...do you get it free as a student? I'm a bit out of touch about whether you do or not, but in any case, it will be a damn sight cheaper for you at £7.20 per item if you do pay!xxxx

24-12-10, 00:11
I know, I got it all prescribed last time too which is why I'm surprised she's charging now.. Yeah I'll ring her tommorow and see what she says to do next... The excema is awful (couple that with half a dozen cysts) but it does get you very quickly used to doctors having a look, 10 times in 1 year means you lose all sense of embarrassment :roflmao:.. Still I am supposed to be getting referred for some operation next year to reduce the amount of skin there to see if that helps so hopefully things will get better! Thanks for the advice, really appreciate it xxxx

24-12-10, 00:14
Hey, you are welcome hun.

It sounds like you have a lot to deal with there and I wish you lots of luck and a speedy recovery.xxxxx:hugs:

24-12-10, 00:27
Aw thank you, :hugs:have a good christmas :D xxxxx

24-12-10, 01:21
Thanks...you too hun.xxxx:bighug1:

24-12-10, 13:20
Been given some new wonder drug that they are desperate to push on everyone, so we'll see how that goes - got more thrush medicine too so hopefully all will be sorted soon. None too keen on taking this medicine as it has a list of side effects longer than my arm but ah well! Have taken one so hopefully all OK..

24-12-10, 13:22
Great news daisycake....glad you got something else for the thrush too.xxxxx