View Full Version : Eyeball ache

24-12-10, 08:52
I've not been unwell or anything then last night I noticed my right eye hurt when I moved it. It felt like a pulling feeling, it hurts when I look in the right corner and looking down.

I've woken up today and it's still the sane, I'm all worried especially as it's Christmas and I don't want to be ill or anxious for my kids sakes.

I'm worrying it's sinusitis but Hubby says it won't be as I've had no cold symptoms, and he says it sounds muscular.

I used to suffer with chronic sinusitis and once asked ENT about an achy eyeball and he said it wasn't related.

Has anyone else had this when they move their eye? It's just typical I have it today. I've felt a bit dry up my nostrils the last few days from the heating, but no cold.

24-12-10, 10:43
Iv’e had this for years, long before my anxiety came along. At the time I saw loads of opticians and an eye specialist and doctors and they all asked do you get stressed or anxious and of course I said no because at the time I didn’t think I did. Roll on many years when I do suffer bouts of anxiety its always my eyes that signal me something is amiss, even my wife can tell as I squint and close my eyes for a few seconds all the time and she will say ‘feeling stressed are we’

24-12-10, 11:02
Thank you for your reply.

Do you have it then where when you move your actual eye it hurts? it feels like a pulling feeling, and it really hurts. It is just in the one eye.

24-12-10, 12:04
When I get it my whole eye aches, it’s hard to describe but it feels like my eye is swollen but of course it isn’t its just the nerves and muscles tensing. Probably don’t need me to tell you there are loads and loads of muscles and nerves in your eyes. Sometimes it’s both eyes and sometimes just one, the other month it was just the corner of my eye that had a piercing pain, a bit like something had got in it – went to the doc who had a jolly good look and said......you guessed it-anxiety/stress

24-12-10, 12:07
I know what you mean Larna itrs normal. I think its tiredness. I would look to the right corner and it would hurt the other corner in one eye. Sometimes its becuase you have a bit of dust in there or something. Nothing to worry about.

24-12-10, 12:58
Thank you all. I can feel something isn't right with my eye but it only really hurts when I move it. Then it really pulls/aches??

carla g
24-12-10, 13:07
i had this and it wore of after a while i had my eyes checkd and everything wos k so i just hadto try and not think about it as mutch and get on with the daay and it went away within a week or so x

24-12-10, 13:22
Thanks Carla.

I have had it in the past, I never knew what it was and my GP and ENT said it wasn't related to anything.

24-12-10, 13:27
I just thought maybe it's related to cold/sinus but I don't feel like I am getting a cold really, I haven't had one recently either.

24-12-10, 15:27
I have had this many times in the past and it only hurts when you move your eye if you keep your eye still its fine. I never knew what caused it either and it could last up to a week with me but one day about 15 yrs ago I had physiotherapy and massage on my neck and back of head and within anhour I was in agony with one of my eyes could not bear to move it and phoned the physio and she said she should have warned me about it as its caused by her massaging the muscles of my neck and back of head and it did pass in a few days - so can assume from that that tension in the neck head muscles causes the eye muscles to tighten.

24-12-10, 16:26
Makes sense, busy stressful week;)

Thank you xx

25-12-10, 01:35
high stress, anxiety, sore eyeballs could be a sign of a hyperthyroid. you should read the other symptoms and see if they apply. really not a big deal.

Natalie x
25-12-10, 01:44
Hi Larna. It could be that you have caught a draught in your eye with the cold weather and things, or could even be the way you have been lying on your pillow. Hope you feel better soon and that you have a good xmas :) x

25-12-10, 06:33
Yes my mum asked if I'd lay funny but I don't know;)

I had my thyroid tested a couple of months back and was fine.

I was looking down alot wrapping the kids presents the other day, so maybe it's muscular, it feels a bit bruised to touch and like it pulls when I move my eye around. I've had it in the past. It doesn't hurt unless I move my eye when head is still so it's not too bad. I just wondered what it could be.


26-12-10, 08:14
It's still hurting to move it!! It's so frustrating. I shall give it until next week then see GP I guess, I wish it would just go though, it hurts and I keep worrying what it could be.