View Full Version : please help - i think im going mad

24-12-10, 09:21
Im really obsessing about my eye symptoms - i get spots in my vision most of the day and visual shimmering all the time i cant stop thinking about it i tend to start to focus on it thinking im having hallucination or something just dont know who to talk to or if anyone had the same problem - arrh its driving me mad and kicking off HA with thoughts or stroke, tumor or cjd

now im started to look for other symptoms of tumor and cjd ive have made myself so ill with it

24-12-10, 09:30
Would it help if you went to an optician, for an eye test. I am just thinking because they examine the back of your eyes really carefully, they would be able to put your mind at rest, and that might be helpful.
Often you can get appointments on the same day.
Best wishes.

24-12-10, 09:45
Hi amanda*43 - i went to a the eye hospital 2 months ago and they said everything is ok and normal but i still have this spotty fuzzy vision its been going on for 3 months now and its driving me out of my mind to a point were i think im losing my mind an having hallucinations or some form or major illness like CJD or a Tumor Ive wound myself up some much the last few days im a nervous wreck

27-12-10, 16:41
Its so awful when thoughts get a grip I know. Nothing I can say will make you feel better, but just try and tell yourself, these problems will pass. You have been to the eye hospital which is great. Now the strain and stress of xmas is over, you will start to feel better, remember you are not going mad or blind.
kind regards