View Full Version : That time of year again!

24-12-10, 09:45
Hi all

My last really big anxiety period started on Christmas day 4 years ago and took me 2-3 months to recover from.
So as Christmas comes around again, my system is on red alert and the thoughts of this happening again make it a very difficult time.
Trying to keep relaxed and busy, doing breathing exercises and the meditation techniques from the 'no more panic' tapes.
But do get these random thoughts of 'what if' keep popping into my head. Also don't feel like eating and when I do I like bland.
The level of stress has not been helped as my dad had a massive stroke at the end of August, spent 15 weeks in hospital and we have had to move him into a care home three weeks ago, which brings its own problems.
So we'll keep battling on and see what the day brings.
All try and have a anxiety free Christmas

24-12-10, 10:36
I think xmas brings the anxiety on for a lot of us and if it comes to that people who are anxiety free the rest of the time. It’s just a stressful time. My anxiety came on at xmas three years ago and returns each year and this year is no different although at the moment I’m controlling it but can still feel it nudging me in the background.

Here’s one for you. I saw our practice nurse in town the other day and we got talking about what hours the surgery was open and she told me that at our surgery today, xmas eve, they have no appointments pre made its left free as a wind down and so that people can ring up and get in at the last minute. It appears many people feel ‘unwell’ on Christmas Eve and basically doctors know it’s just stress/anxiety symptoms. She recons they prescribe more anti d’s on one day -xmas eve than in a normal week.

24-12-10, 12:03
Christmas is stressful for so many of us for lots of reasons - the people with social anxiety will suffer as there is so much more social stuff to do, the people with HA will worry if they can't get quick access to a doctor, and the people with GAD will just find that they are weighed down with the expectations that Christmas brings.

I find Christmas hard work because it makes me feel trapped; I have to do lots of "family" stuff that I find very hard work (I have no family of my own, so have to spend a lot of time with my partner's family, but because I have very little experience of family situations, I feel like an outsider). I'm just trying to get through the next few days and then reward myself with some time to do the things that I really want to do, rather than the things that I've "got" to do.

24-12-10, 13:10
I always dread this time of year as my anxiety levels go sky-high. It doesn't matter how far in advance I plan everything and how organised I am - it's still there! I have nothing to worry about in fact, but just because it's that time of the year obviously my brain remembers past Christmases and has decided that I should be anxious.
Once tomorrow is over I know I'll be fine but what a way to celebrate Christmas...

24-12-10, 19:25
My worst ever bout of anxiety started last Xmas & I didn't leave the house again until March/April, so I've been dreading it this year. I've been coping on & off throughout the year but I can feel it creeping back...
Plus, I've had a few awful christmases' in my time & I've been ill on many with different things, bugs, flu etc. So I think my body just thinks 'OH NO' whenever december comes around anyway lol

I hope you all have a wonderful day tomorrow anyway & try & remember it's only once a year :)

Tia Maria
24-12-10, 19:43
I am so pleased (in a nice way) that I am not the only one who dreads Xmas - I think the problem is that I have conditioned myself over the past 4 years to hate this time of year. I wish that I didn't as I have a wonderful family who all know and understand about my Panic Disorder but I am supposed to go to my daughters tomorrow and am worried in case I panic whilst I am there! Oh what a tangled web we weave!

24-12-10, 20:33
Thanks for the replies, yes everyone who replied, I have experienced all or parts of what you have also.
With regards to getting a heavy cold etc, in some respects it would be an excuse to stay in bed and take a back seat.
Yes once tomorrows over, I too will feel easier.
All the best to you all.