View Full Version : I would just like some help

24-12-10, 11:08
Hi everyone

I've suffered with anxiety since I was 6 years old I am now 29, I can normally live with it and deal day to day. This past year has been horrible and its getting worse, I can't go outside anymore because I;m scared its the last time I'm going to leave the house becuase I'm going to have a heart attack or stroke while I'm out.

This past few days have been hell, I think I'm dying, I keep waking up every hour at night with a racing heart and im trembling and my face is flushed, right now all i can do is cry and my chest is tight and im so scared. I hate the racing heart feeling and the constant shaking and vibrating.

Im so scared of dying and I just want to enjoy life again and look forward to things. Thanks for listening

24-12-10, 11:11
Have you seen your GP for some CBT or medication?

CBT helped me alot, I still have blips when I am unwell or stressed out but all in all it worked wonders for me.

24-12-10, 11:16
I have seen my doctor i do have meds, Im just so scared of everything. My fears of heart attacks and cancer follow me around like a dark heavy cloud and I cant get away. My family doctor has been really good with me, she did blood work as well as heart scans and everything turns up great.

I'm not sure how to go about starting CBT or how it even works.

24-12-10, 11:19
CBT does help, you ask your GP to refer you. If you've had tests then you know you are fine deep down, so you need some therapy to help you stop worrying the way you do.

It changed my life, so it does work.

If you know you are well then try to believe it, and fight it. Do not give in to your anxiety. Put your worries up on a shelf in your head, and say to yourself, I am not going to worry until say 8pm every day, that is my worry time, this is how CBT works, and eventually you don't feel the need to do it. You need distraction too.

24-12-10, 11:36
Thank you I will have a chat with my doctor about it. I will also try to do the worry time. I just want to be 100% happy again and will try anything