View Full Version : Glad to have found you.

24-12-10, 17:20
I`d just like to introduce myself and express my gratitude to this site and yourselves for being here for me.

I have suffered from GAD with panic attacks on and off for most of my adult life. However, I can be well for years at a time only to become ill with my nerves yet again.

I have had `a touch` of agoraphobia for years, meaning that I do not travel any unknown route and would find it impossible to travel to another city, let alone abroad.

Lately, life has taken a huge downward spiral. I have been afflicted yet again by GAD and panic attacks these past 6/7 mnths., but this is the worst I have ever been affected by anxiety as I became completely agoraphobic about 3 mnths. ago.

For 10 wks., I used low dose prescribed valium to allow me to cross the door. I quit the valium almost 2 wks. ago with my G.P.`s consent, as I was afraid of becoming addicted, and so found myself unable to go out at all.

I began to `force` myself out daily as of 4 days ago, although I can only manage very short trips out, like to quickly walk the dog.

I am simultaneously feeling both weak and strong. I hope and pray that one day I may be able to lead a full and active life again.

I woke up from a nap earlier in a panic and am trying to dampen it down right now.

Thanks for reading,


24-12-10, 17:22
Hi littleacorns

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

24-12-10, 21:24
Hi Littleacorns and:welcome:to NMP.

24-12-10, 21:30
welcome to nmp, you will find loads of support here, and make new friends too. I too suffer gad and trying to overcome agraphobia.
Wishing you all the very best

24-12-10, 23:46
Thank you diane,paulst and Ann for the welcome.

Having rotten Christmas Eve, I`m afraid.......panic seems to be getting the better of me tonight. Hope I can sleep soon to get a break and have to believe that tomorrow will be better. Is so sad to suffer like this.......I know I am doing it to myself and that it`s all just in my head, but knowing that and acting accordingly are worlds apart......


24-12-10, 23:52
Hilittleacorn, you'll find loads of support on this site..

25-12-10, 00:26
Thanks gaaron.

Having a bad time today/tonight makes me wonder again if I could be suffering rebound anxiety after going off diazepam cold turkey.......G.P. said it would be fine just to stop. I used 68x 5 mg tablets over 73 days.......varied the dose and didn`t take any on some days.

Day 8 off the drug was bad with panic and today has also been rough. Anyone think I`ll be fine with being off of it?........I don`t want to be on any meds now.


25-12-10, 00:27
Am on day 13 off diazepam.

25-12-10, 00:34
Hi Littleacorns, I really can't advise regarding medication. All I know when I was on meds I still had off days and now I'm off them I still do. I have to try and say to myself its 'normal'. If you feel you need 'professional' help maybe contact NHS direct. Take care xxx

25-12-10, 13:45
Thanks gaaron,
I have posted in the meds section now to see what advice anyone can give re stopping my diazepam.

Wish I`d never been fool enough to put diazepam in my situation. My distress was so huge that I just started taking them, without `really` thinking it through.
