View Full Version : sick dog

24-12-10, 22:12
Today my dog needed to see the vet,,hubby had a drink so could not drive,,yes I was falling to bits, but I did drive the car to the vet,,never took any tabkets,,in this snow and ice,,the dog might have cancer,,tests to come,,i got home cooked chicken for him as he not ate in a few days,,and had a few tablets now,dog still in pain,,back in a weeks time,,I know I can live the normal life even for a few hours, got xmas tomorrow at sisters,,dont want to leave my dog, but hope the tablets help him,,I will take what the doc said to take,,love my dogs to bits,,but I can cope even when i think I cant.

Merry christmas all,,,take care :hugs::hugs:

25-12-10, 22:28
Awww Susan - I do hope your dog will be feeling better soon. And very well done for putting your fears after your dog's needs.

I hope you managed to have a good Christmas day.

Take care,


30-12-10, 22:43
Thanks for your reply,,dog at the vet tomorrow,,should more more them,,I seen the doc today, she upted my talbets to 3 a day now,,she was happpy with me,,im doing alright,,she told hubby by end jan I should be back on track,,im still on the other tablets,,up to 8 times a day, but cope on 4,,,just wish I cold get my life back and be like i was before,

Take care all,,hope the new year brings some joy nad hope :bighug1:

30-12-10, 23:21
Hope your dog gets better very soon :hugs:

Well done for doing good, hope you're back on track by the end of January, that would be lovley eh? :D

Have a good new year yourself, hope everything works out good for you x

02-01-11, 20:54
My dog is fine:yesyes:,,no tumor or other nasties:), He back to being a daft dog:roflmao:,,he goes back in 3 months with his dad who is now turned 10yrs on hogmany,,for normal jabs and kennel cough and to check their anal glands:yesyes:,,I love my wee dogs to bits, they my company when hubby at work and the kids at school,,Im doing well too,,seeing a nurse on the 11th,,think its a chat,,just need my white tablets whenfolk visit or when I wasworried sick about the dog,,feeling well, but know its the white talets,,only had 2 today,,Happy New Year all:bighug1: