View Full Version : Christmas Day Anxiety

25-12-10, 12:42
Hi this is my first time on this.. just needed someone to talk to.. I've suffered with anxiety attacks/panic attacks since the age of 14, I'm 43 now. I've been pretty fortunate in I've not had too many bad bouts..the last one was about 2 years ago for a month or so but then my father went ill and was diagnosed with cancer and nursing him for the next four months took me out of myself and gave me something more important to focus on rather than myself. I did have another short episode around this time last year but thankfully getting back into work and normal routine after the holidays put me right again.
The problem is my mother is currently suffering from anxiety herself and over the last week or so I've been going there to talk and reassure her everything will be ok and that she will get through it.. however, in talking about it its stirred up all my feelings and has now kicked it off again. I don't show my husband as he (like so many others) finds it hard to understand and I don't want to spoil Christmas for anyone but feeling very anxious and panicky today and this is really helping ..sorry I've gone on a bit !:)

25-12-10, 12:43

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

25-12-10, 13:03
Hi and welcome

so you have joined the xmas anxiety club:) trust me you are not alone there will be thousands out there battling it-me included.

25-12-10, 15:48
thanks.. although I am so sorry you are going through it to the greatest comfort can come from knowing that you are not alone.. since putting my post on earlier today and reading others stories it has helped me through.. I have even managed to cook a successful Christmas dinner despite having the usual horrible panic feelings on and off all day !

25-12-10, 17:36

Sorry that you are suffering from anxiety at the moment...it is hard when you are a sufferer and you try to re-assure others...it does tend to bring on your own anxieties. I am also a sufferer and last year my daughter (who is only 16) had a couple of periods of it. I was there for her but after she went through it I found that mine came back and I ended up crashing (had alot of other things going on too). So, this time last year I was in a terriable way...but a year on I have managed to put it all behind me...no am not definately out of the woods but can manage it alot better....so my reason to tell you this is to re-assure you that it will get better and you will get through and put it behind you too. Just takes time hun.


25-12-10, 22:09
Thank you Jo.. I know it will get better but you know what its like .. you just want it to go away there and then... since this came over me on Christmas eve I've had moments of feeling OK but still constantly analyzing how I feel !! its like I'm scared to ignore myself for a minute but thats what I should be doing and then it would go away alot quicker ! I've a busy day tomorrow my step son and his family are coming over so hopefully I'll have less "thinking time". I've not told my husband or mother (even though she's been very supportive in the past as she is a fellow sufferer) that I'm feeling this way at the moment. I think its better this way because I then have to act "normal" around those closest to me. During my bad bout 2 years ago my mum came up and stayed with me but then I found myself constantly talking and alalyzing my feelings to her instead of trying to go with it and ignore it which I'm attempting to do this time !! we'll see !