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25-12-10, 13:19
Could my gp who has spent half of his long career studying to specialise in skin (dermatology) be wrong that my flat fried egg mole is normal and not a melenoma??

27-12-10, 12:14
anyone xx

27-12-10, 12:40
Hi Bexy...sorry you've had no replies so far!

Well, there are certain measures that they go by and it is an ABCD check which is:

A - asymmetrical (each half of it looks different)
B - borders ( is the border wobbly and irregular or poorly defined
C - colour ( varied/mixed colour - black,tan, mixed with pink/red)
D - diameter (bigger than 6mm)

There is now an E to look out for as well - Evolving/changing (it looks different from other moles and is growing or changing in look)

The key is for you to keep an eye on it really bexy. If it does change in any way as above then that is a warning sign, but otherwise, I would try to trust what your doctor thinks, but just be vigilant yourself with it.xxx:hugs:

27-12-10, 16:06
no bexy84 there is no chance he could be wrong if he saw anything he wasnt sure about he would have refered you for a second opinion i and my family have had a number of moles removed so i dont think your doctor would take the risk of being wrong so i would trust his opinion completly x

27-12-10, 18:08
thankyou bronte so much ... that is just what i needed to hear xx

27-12-10, 19:33
thats ok bexy84 im glad ive helped you because you really have nothing to worry about when ive been to the doctor with my moles before on occasions she sent me to the hospital and on other occasions shes said they are fine and i believe her and shes never been wrong x

28-12-10, 04:22
i am really worried now...........i keep getting twinges where my mole is!!! i dont no if it is because i keep pulling my skin to look at it or not...i dont want to die and leave my babies :weep:

28-12-10, 10:15
i hate this worry

28-12-10, 13:21
Bump!! Soryy can't stop thinking about it just need a bit of reassurance

28-12-10, 14:46
Any body xx