View Full Version : I'm crying on christmas day!!!?

25-12-10, 16:32
I'm feeling really down, my family are here! i'm a teenager i should be happy and at one time i loved christmas but it doesn't feel like it at all this year...i was so upset i went to my room burt into tears and nearly chocked? or something i don't know how to explain but my voice changed and cough changed and it felt liked i couldn't cough..its a few mins later and i've had water but i'm still scared of dying........ i don't know why im so down...and my family are down stairs enjoying christmas while im up here sad! i feel so stressed and depressed...i want to be happy but i don't know what would make me happy :shrug: i think i need help! i have a phyraphist that i hardly ever see (Sorry for spelling = someone you talk to)


25-12-10, 16:58
You are only a teenager - does your family know how you are feeling? I think it's best to speak to at least one person that's there with you and just let them know how you are feeling - then try and join in with everyone - safe in the knowledge that you can go upstairs yourself for a break and quietly tell the other person.
You are not going to die - it's just your brain sending panic response to your body - take big deep slow breaths that make you stomach go up and down and this will help calm you!
My thoughts are with you - I felt like this last christmas - not a good time for me last year - so I know how you are feeling - things will get better.

Take Care
AJ x

25-12-10, 19:03
You are only a teenager - does your family know how you are feeling? I think it's best to speak to at least one person that's there with you and just let them know how you are feeling - then try and join in with everyone - safe in the knowledge that you can go upstairs yourself for a break and quietly tell the other person.
You are not going to die - it's just your brain sending panic response to your body - take big deep slow breaths that make you stomach go up and down and this will help calm you!
My thoughts are with you - I felt like this last christmas - not a good time for me last year - so I know how you are feeling - things will get better.

Take Care
AJ x
I've just came back online now and before i had read this i had spoken to my mum upstairs on her own and told her everything..i'm now feeling loads better and i'm not dead (yet) :yahoo: though i hurt my head :shrug:

hope you had a good christmas !!!

25-12-10, 20:46

I only just read your message but I'm so glad that you spoke to your mum and that you feel a lot better now.

Never hide your fears or your feelings from your mum or your family or even your friends as they are the ones who are always there to help you as they love you... My teenager drives me mad at times :roflmao:but I would move heaven and earth for him if I though he was worried, ill or upset about anything.

Hope the rest of your christmas is brill and stop worring.. you will not die and you will be fine.


25-12-10, 21:15

I only just read your message but I'm so glad that you spoke to your mum and that you feel a lot better now.

Never hide your fears or your feelings from your mum or your family or even your friends as they are the ones who are always there to help you as they love you... My teenager drives me mad at times :roflmao:but I would move heaven and earth for him if I though he was worried, ill or upset about anything.

Hope the rest of your christmas is brill and stop worring.. you will not die and you will be fine.

Thanks :yesyes: :hugs:
Same to you!

What did you everyone get for christmas? :)

25-12-10, 21:21
Hi, I've just read your message ... I'm really glad you're feeling better xx:D

25-12-10, 21:59
:hugs::yesyes: chill out with your favourite music on loud or do something daft like hiding some chocolates in your mums slippers... or in the turkey :roflmao:

25-12-10, 22:11
Thanks guys :) hopefully i'll be happy in the new year with 2010 going and a new year coming!, hope 2011 will be a good year for all of us. :yesyes: :yahoo: