View Full Version : anger & anxiety

25-12-10, 20:27
I was just wondering peoples thoughts on this, i had a build of anger today probably as there is so much pressure on today having to be a GREAT day when i have felt like poo, my son plays a big part in this, when the anger reached its peak i had to plonk my son in hubbys lap and walk away scared of what i could do!! in sheer frustration i booted a christmas present to the other end of the room and then felt so very guilty as this is not the type of mum i want to be :-( i hate this feeling of not feeling good but find coming on here better at getting stuff off my chest so thank you NMP!!! I wish everyone happiness if only i could find some myself, take care y'all xx

27-12-10, 22:12
Hi Debbie - I've just read through some of your posts and can empathise... I'm feeling totally pants too at the moment so you're not alone :)

Is my first post but hope to chat sometime.... we need to kick this damned thing to the kerb! :D Mary

27-12-10, 22:15
Sorry... meant to say is my first post in a while... I forgot that I posted previously and had some great support on here!

paula lynne
27-12-10, 23:04
Hi Deb, I know exactly where youre coming from. Took my son to toys r us yesterday, about 30 miles away....it was shut. The way he went on youd think someone was trying to pull his entrails out of his bum! Hes 10, but still cries alot....I lost the plot, turned and screamed my head off at him, I frightened myself. This rage took about 1 minute to build up, after trying to comfort/rationalise with him, it didnt work and I exploded.

I was shaking like a leaf all day, had a migraine...told him not to talk to me for the rest of the day as he was ungrateful blah b;ah blah....his dad sorted him for the rest of the day. This anger went, but I felt so low it was dreadful, as if suddenly EVERYTHING was wrong in my life. Its much better today, we all feel good, and lots of laughter etc......but that anger was frightening and how quick it came on!! Xmas stress I expect or something......anyway, I empathise with you. x

Going home
28-12-10, 00:27
This sounds very familiar and i think most of us are capable of this kind of anger...I know ive bewildered my chap with it on numerous occasions...bewidered myself with it to be honest too.. but ive always been big enough to say sorry the following day, even if sometimes the words stick in my throat a bit i know i have to say them because i know whoever was on the receiving end didn't deserve it....even on here sometimes too :blush: My mum has always told me that i was a gentle girl when i was younger...does the effects of anxiety really change us this much and rob us of alot of our personality? Thats scarys really isn't it?

Good thread and be interesting to hear other's thoughts on the possible connection between anxiety and anger.

Anna xx

28-12-10, 00:41
I've lost the plot a few times in recent weeks. I think it's been a reaction to pre-Christmas stress as I'd been doing better on the anger front. I thought I'd calmed down a bit but had a difficult journey to work today and ended up getting disproportionately seething inside at selfish ignorant people. And again tonight at someone with a serious me me me me me problem. I feel better at getting that out.

I do think we'll all feel better when life gets back to normal.