View Full Version : cant look after my poorly kids!

25-12-10, 23:29
Im so angry with myself and this damn health anxiety it makes me wanna scream!my 12 yr old daughter developed bronchitus a few wks ago and instead of doin what a mum should and cared for her and loved her i kept my distance.even wen she had a bad reaction to antibiotics and she nearly passed out i couldnt go near her cause i was so scared of catching it!now my son is cumin down with sonething.he has a bad headache,a temperature and bloodshot eyes and cant stop sneezing and all i can do is throw him sum tablets into his bedroom.wha kind of mum am i.i should b makin my kids feel beta.not treatin them like lepers just bcsuse i am scared of catchin it.im so sad and ashamed. :weep:

25-12-10, 23:41
kirstyt have you anyone else there to help?

25-12-10, 23:48
No.my partner works alot.i also care for my mum who is recovering from a stroke.:weep:

26-12-10, 00:05
oh schucks. You def need a rest! Sending you hugs:hugs:x ps you're not a bad mum - we all do stuff that doesn't live up to our expectations.

26-12-10, 00:14
Awww thank u.i know i always try my best but i dont feel like its good enough.i should b huggin them better like good mums do.not runnin away. :mad: x

26-12-10, 00:24
You shouldn't be ashamed Kirstyt, it's not your fault at all. I'm sure they understand.
take care


26-12-10, 00:29
Thank u.:-)..i know my son does but i dont think my girl does.it was awful wen she was really ill cauze all she wanted was a mummy cuddle and i just kept tellin her to try to sleep!it never usec to bother me catchin there bugs but now im terrified!!

26-12-10, 00:31
I had to work at a hospital today...spent most of the time praying i didn't pick up any bugs. It's quite common to feel that way

26-12-10, 00:43
No worries Kirsty , I was once 999d to hospital as a kid, age 4, and my mum passed out in the ambulanxe! Did the same 3 years later when I had to get an anaesthetic! Totally not her fault, I understood then and still do now - and Im sure your kids are the same :-) its not your fault hun xx

26-12-10, 08:10
There's no need to be ashamed, but if your anxiety is that bad then you need to see your GP.

I have 3 children, I've health anxiety and I sometimes do worry I may catch a cough from them but that's only because I've had bronchitis in the past, and it took me ages to get over it. I hate being sick, so sickness bugs I do my best to avoid too. The thing is I still cuddle them, look after them and make sure I'm there for them. I'd never want them to think of being ill as a bad thing. We all get ill at times, it's normal, it isn't nice and it's very inconvenient when your a mum but it happens, and it builds our immune system.

You need to try a different way of thinking. I wash my hands alot when my kids are ill, make sure they've their own towel etc... Just to minimise the chance of catching the virus but that's all you can do.

CBT works wonders for anxiety, please see your GP for some help, it must be awful feeling so bad. Do not feel guilty though, it's not your fault xx

26-12-10, 09:21
awe don't feel bad I'm sure they wont hold this against you, you are their mum and they will love you no matter what! if its any consolation my two girls have had really bad throat infections and coughs this week, and i haven't let them hug or kiss me for about 4 days cos I'm scared of getting it. i think its a normal reaction to be scared of catching something, so please don't feel so bad xx you are a good mum or you wouldn't feel this bad about it xx :hugs:

26-12-10, 17:17
Thanks guys.well my son is feelin abit better today.it just makes me feel so useless.i start anxiety management in the new yr which is good.and will hopefully stop me bein so scared of bein ill and carin for my kids wen they need me most xxx:doh: