View Full Version : some advice please HELP

26-12-10, 07:54
hello all... feeling real anxious right now had a good day yesterday and then woke up this morning feeling fine then made myself a cuppa & had 3 choc hobnobs biscuits then made myself a slice of toast ate half then just started feeling real anxious and i no its coming as i get this feeling in my upper abdomen like its a tight feeling sickly feeling n my mind just wokes over time then with all the OH MY GOD whats wrong etc.. etc... when we no if we ignore it then it will pass but no my negative mind is friends with my voming phobia and just keeps telling me i have eaten to much am going to be sick.. PLEASE i only ate 3 biscuits n half a slice of toast why does negative thinking take over so much ??

my beely just feels like its flipping
lump in troat
shattered (i hardly sleep at night)
is this just a nervous tight stomach thats kicked off from my negativ thinking ~??

26-12-10, 09:49
I know the feeling so well.. an anxiety attacked on Christmas Eve kicked it off for me again, I've re-started on my medication but only been on it for two days and I feel like I'm getting worse. I had all of two hours sleep last night.. as soon as I nod off I get this jolting feeling and I woke up all hot and flushes and panick... horrible feeling.

and the worse is I know I can't even manage to take a nap in the day as I always wake up in a panic when I'm suffering from one of these bouts !!

The fact that you haven't slept can't have helped you one bit... its a vicious circle, rather than being able to dismiss and ignore. your anxiety is hightened as your mind is exhausted and can't think through things logically. I hope the day gets better for you.. I've got a house party to sort out today and don't want to let anyone down :-(

26-12-10, 10:39
Goodmorning i managed to fall bk asleep for an hour :)
but my tummy still doing flip-flops i hate this feeling i just made myself a slice of toast but just cant stomach it right now :weep: i did have to bites and i get that feeling that your about to run the loo to open my bowels (i never though) these are just like the butterfly feeling i get in my tummy...
this is a main sympton for me with my anxiety and really knocks me as i have been having a great few days even ate xmas dinner yesterday which i havent eaten a dinner in a while i just want to feel normal again and having each day WORRY FREE not having this horrrible feeling i just want to eat but i no whatever i do eat just kicks my stomach off more :weep:
do you find anything that settles your stomach ? are you on any meds for anxiety ?
i want to eat right now but am just to scared to eat incase my tummy feels worse ?
am on propranolol 80mg one daily my doctor has also given me valium to take when needed i dont no wheather to take on on these to relax my belly

26-12-10, 14:13
Hi again,

I've started taking Citalopram 20mg for the last 2 days since this about of anxiety started. Trouble is it does make it worse (the panics) for the first week or so, I remember the last course I took 2 years ago.

I don't have any trouble with my stomach only that I don't have any appetite what so ever. only managed a couple of mouthfuls of christmas dinner yesterday.. don't know if thats the anxiety or an effect of the tablets. I am also taking diazepan to help me out until the tabs take effect.

my worse nightmare is falling off to sleep and waking in a blind panic, it makes me frightened to drop off. Even on a night when I feel relaxed going to bed and do all the relaxing things I can I still seem to wake up panicky and tingling sensations all through my body and hot flushes

26-12-10, 17:04
i have some diazipam here off my doc to take when needed but am just unsure wether to take on or not i have 2mg & 5mg as i just feel i keep trembling all day today and just wanna cry am hungry but cannot face food ive had 1& half piece of toast and 4biscuits & 3choc roses thats all since 5.30am this morning when i got up am just sick of eeling the way i do nearly 24/7
am to like you i dread the fact of falling asleep ncase i wake up in a MAJOR anxiety attack i have not slept in my bed for over a year now its like i fear i have now that if i go bed then i will wake up in panic i no that this is all just negative thinking that i need to break as i just sleep on the sofa but hey if am going to panic it will happen anywhere i fall asleep not just in my bed but thats what i have gotten into my head if i go bed it will happen there....

do you find your valium help relax you i was on the same anti-depressions as you but 40mg but now am not on any all am on is beta-blockers propranolol 80mg i chose not to take any anti-depressions anymore :-/ but am thinking maybe i should get back on them but i no what you mean they make you feel worse before they kick in to your system x

26-12-10, 17:31
Just want to send u big hugs hunnypie.it upsets me so much readin u story bcause thats how i was a few yrs ago and it breaks my heart.i sleep alot better now but my eating is hit and miss.i can eat well for a few days then stop eating again for wks!its an awful visicious circle.wish i could help u.xxxxx

26-12-10, 17:41
i have only just started eating again the past two weeks after not eating since aug as my anxiety went sky high i just stopped eating and lost 2stone i only now weigh 6st :( and i was so so hungry and just could not eat it was so fustrating and made me angry with myself i just wanted to end it all but would never leave my children alone but i do think sometimes am better off ending it am sick of feeling this way am not eating properly yet as i want to my phobia plays a big part in this as i have a phobia of vomiting so am really only eating bread, toast, biscuits etc... but yesterday i made myself so proud and had a small christmas dinner which i was so happy about!! :yesyes:
but all today i have felt so anxious, trembling and just having basically shitty day and feeling nausea have not eaten much today i woke up at 5am had a cup of decaf tea with 3 hobnob biscuits then i made two tosat and this is when my nervous stomach started i only managed half a slice of toast and left the rest but this aftrenoon i did manage a slice of toast so ive had 1&half slice of toast, 3hobnob biscuits, 2ginger nut biscuits & 2 chocolate rose sweets i just dont want to eat as i feel so bad my belly doing flip-flops but i no we need to eat esp me i need to regain the weight ...... but iworry as i am feeling nausea if i eat i myt b or feel sick thats why am thinking shall i take a valium?? i have taken an anti-sickness tablet about 3pm aswell

i just hate this life and wish it would all go away

26-12-10, 17:46
Ur goin to feel sick wen u eat bcause u stomach isnt used to gettin fed properly.its like my doc said to me cause everytime i ate i wanted to throw up and he said it had been that long since i had eaten my stomach cant cope.so everytime i fed it my stomach weny crazy as did my acid.!have u been to talk to a councillor or anything?xxx

26-12-10, 18:36
You may also find that a slightly different diet which is lower in sugars may help you feel less nauseaus, try and include some protiens, fruits and vegetables, and if you dont fancy taking them as solids, then try sipping milk, soup or smoothies made with fresh fruit. A high level of sugar such as from biscuits, sweets and chocolate or lots of starch in your stomach after its been starved for such a long time can make the nausea worse, and the added vitamins and minerals from the fresh fruits and vegetables will help your body to feel better.
I recently went through a similar experiance when i couldnt eat a thing for over 12 days, and survived by drinking a litre of milk a day, which i could tollerate if it was ice cold, i also made my self drink plenty of water, as being dehydrated can only make you feel worse. My main time for panic was when i woke up in the mornings around 5am, and the first thing i felt was horrible fluttery feelings in my chest and nausea, with a feeling of pure dread and as if something really bad was going to happen to me. Several times i was so scared that I rang the Gp's out of hours service, and its been a long journey with many hospital appointments and blood tests, before im finally on the mend with the right medication which suits me (Mitazepine 15mg at night, plus Cardicor beta blocker 2.5mg as I have suffered with an irregular heartbeat for many years since my mid 30's when i was diagnosed with a heart murmer, and PRN 2mg diazepam for if im having a bad day and need that extra bit of help to get by and through the anxiety, but im only allowed one pack of 28 tablets per month max, this is because my gp doesnt want me to become addicted to them, so it really does have to be unbearable before i will go and find them out of the draw and take some, with a max dose of 8mg in any one day.
Before finding an antidepressant that suited me, I too tried Citalopram, but they made me feel much worse, i could not settle and found the night sweats were much worse and that i was unable to settle anywhere to relax, Sertraline had similar effects, and Trazadone sent my pulse racing upto 120 beats per min within a week of taking them. I was also prescribed Domperidone for the sickness which i now seldome need to take, but earlier in the year, i was taking the max dose of two 10mg tabs three times a day, and still feeling nauseaus after taking them.
No lady likes to admit her age lol, but the blood tests i had revealed that many of my problems were due to the menopause approaching, is it likely that this is what maybe causing your anxiety and panic attacks?
I do hope that you find a medication that will help you feel better soon, if your not getting the right help and support from your Gp, then maybe its time to ask if you could have a referal to see a specialist at the hospital, and take it from there.

Good luck, and i hope you feel better soon,


27-12-10, 00:02
Hi i attend a eating disorder clinic once a week only been twice upto now not got an appointment now though till after the holidays....

am just hoping soon that this will all be over with :-) and life can go back to normal again... but maybe i will need to go back onto AD's
or maybe i should just try a vailum 2 or 5mg now and then as the doc has given me some to take when neded i just not taken one yet.. am also having bad period pains but i not had a period now for two months due to the weight i have lost am just hoping that i start gaining weight again soon once i start feeling more comfy with foods i just worry about my phobia to much..
i dont think it is the menopause i did think this at first though am only 28 !

but i am starting a CBT course with my counsellor very soon just waiting on my appointment to come through x

27-12-10, 00:05
Ur goin to feel sick wen u eat bcause u stomach isnt used to gettin fed properly.its like my doc said to me cause everytime i ate i wanted to throw up and he said it had been that long since i had eaten my stomach cant cope.so everytime i fed it my stomach weny crazy as did my acid.!have u been to talk to a councillor or anything?xxx

i go an eating disorder clinic once a week only been twice we are starting cbt very soon with the counsellor :-) hopefully this wil help me i do hope so..

i can eat when i have good days and my nervous stomach aint here i just want to eat all day and i dont feel ill or anything i just eat till i feel comfy like i did yesterday with my christmas diner it went down well its just when am having a bad anxious stomach day i cant face foods x