View Full Version : Do I have swine flu or normal flu?

26-12-10, 09:27
Not sure i've ever felt as bad...do I have swine flu?


*No sleep on xmas eve.
*Slight headache.
*The flu/cold symptoms came on within a few Horus on xmas day.
*Chest pains/whole body aches.
*Feel sick can still feel last nights dinner.
*Shivering cold.
*Feel totally ill and run down.
*Blocked nose.
*Temperature felt hot yesterday bit cooler today.
*Can barely move to the PC I feel that bad.
*No taste in my mouth.

I don't have a cough.

All this and still anxious, feel spaced and strange...

I read on the news swine flu is back so I'm a bit worried..not gonna make it into work today...feel terrible..anybody help? Doctors for me tomorrow if this doesn't clear! :ohmy::blush:

26-12-10, 09:36
Sounds like youve picked up a virus, like most people have at the moment. Ive had one for a week now, cant get rid of it, just keep yourself dosed up.

26-12-10, 09:59
Just been sick there..

I hate this.. :weep:

26-12-10, 10:25
Hope you feel better soon Phil!

26-12-10, 10:39
Dosn’t sound like swine flu, as said above there is a virus going around at the moment that’s quite nasty and has those symptoms you describe.

As your doc would say ‘plenty of fluids and rest’

Take care :)

26-12-10, 10:48
Hey Phil

Hope you feel better soon, it sounds like you have the virus that is going around at the moment. You said that you were going to go to the Dr but most surgeries have notices up at the moment saying do not go in if you have flu symptons so maybe you could speak to someone over the phone instead.

26-12-10, 11:20
Thanks..spent all morning vomiting.

Scared to drink had one glass of water and spewed everywhere..:scared15:

26-12-10, 11:54
Phil - just to add with Swine Flu your temperature will be consistently high. My doctor said that usually it is 38 and over... I have been there, it is day 11 for me now and I am still very weak and my whole family have had variations of the flu. Christmas has been a low key affair with illness. Plenty of fluids, if you do develop a cough (I did on day 3) then warm fluid is best. Stay in bed...I didn't get out till day 9 and that is with a child to look after (thanks to a good supporting family).

I hope you feel better soon but from experience it may take time xx

26-12-10, 12:50
it might be best to ask nhs direct as they are saying if you have flu symtoms to get in touch with gp ,always best to ask ,,as you do sound poorly ,,hope you feel better soon

26-12-10, 13:00
I was sick about half an hour ago again too..

Also have blood shot eyes..

26-12-10, 13:15

I know quite a few people who have what you have.

Try not to worry and just rest until you feel better.

26-12-10, 13:25

I know quite a few people who have what you have.

Try not to worry and just rest until you feel better.

Thanks..it's just come at a bad time as my anxiety has had me worrying non stop for weeks that's not helping either. :blush:

26-12-10, 13:32

I know anxiety always makes things so much worse but I promise you I know at least 5 people who have been ill in the last 10 days with almost exactly the symptons you have discribed.

In my town they even closed a couple of primary schools just before Christmas because so many staff and pupils had it.

Take yourself back to bed, sleep and just relax for the next couple of days and the symptons should start to reduce. TV is full of films at the moment, maybe take your duvet to the sofa and relax in front the TV until you start to feel a bit better.

26-12-10, 13:39
i have to say anxiety makes us feel worse no doubt.but we

26-12-10, 14:59
You have a virus Phil, if you had the flu, either type, you would have a high fever.

This virus has wiped my family out over the Christmas period, has nearly put me in hospital (I'm asthmatic) so it is a nasty one but not as bad as flu.

My little ten week old granddaughter has been admitted to hospital this morning with a cough, diarrhoea, vomiting and a temperature of 39.5..we are praying that this isn't flu.

I would follow all the advice given here and stay at home. Your GP won't thank you for going as there is nothing they can do to treat a virus, you may also be spreading the bug around.

26-12-10, 15:06
You have a virus Phil, if you had the flu, either type, you would have a high fever.

This virus has wiped my family out over the Christmas period, has nearly put me in hospital (I'm asthmatic) so it is a nasty one but not as bad as flu.

My little ten week old granddaughter has been admitted to hospital this morning with a cough, diarrhoea, vomiting and a temperature of 39.5..we are praying that this isn't flu.

I would follow all the advice given here and stay at home. Your GP won't thank you for going as there is nothing they can do to treat a virus, you may also be spreading the bug around.

Yep it's awful..luckily not been sick in a few hours but still feel a little bit like I will.

Will I be able to eat? I don't want to starve myself..not sure what I can actually eat..

Also had diarrhea since my first post too.

26-12-10, 15:31
Well you're a healthy young man (I don't believe you're in any of the high risk groups with low immunity, respiratory problems etc?) so I don't think you should worry yourself unduly unlike some who are ill.

Eat what you want if you feel like eating but if you don't then don't worry..you're not going to starve if you go without food for 24 hrs, just drink plenty.

Maybe try and stop focusing on these symptoms so much, go and watch TV or read..staring at the computer screen won't be doing your nausea any good either.

I should also add that although you said you don't want to see a doctor and you probably don't need to, if you continue to be concerned ring NHS Direct for their advice. They should be able to give you all the information you need.

26-12-10, 16:01
I hope your Grandaughter is ok Ladybird, sounds like you had a hard Christmas :hugs:

Going home
26-12-10, 16:54
Ladybird...I also hope your little grandaughter improves you must be worried sick...might have been nice if Phil had sent some best wishes to you too seeing as how you took the time to reply and offer him advise.

Phil, you may not even have the flu, it could be just a very bad cold and you've already asked about this in your other thread yesterday.

You are young enough and strong enough to recover, and as has been said, there are lots of colds going about at this time of the year and most of us have had one strain or another of it. It seems to be lingering longer this year for many folk but apart from your anxiety you are not classed as one of the vunerable people so you will recover. My daughter, married with children has had a lousy time of it since first week in december and she still feels run down with it, her hubby and both children have had it too. She has seen the doctor but he said its a matter of riding it out with whatever remedies suit best.


Going home
26-12-10, 16:57
Do you live alone by the way or with someone? Living alone with your fears can make them seem more real. If you live with someone what do they think you have?

Anna x

26-12-10, 19:00
Update...yes I stay with parents and they said it's maybe a bug too.

Got some soup and a biscuit may try something else later. I had a panic attack before that and I've still been feeling weird all day.

I'm so fed up feeling unreal and strange. :blush:

26-12-10, 20:43
Sounds more like a stomach bug than proper flu - I have had numerous stomach bugs that also give you the symptoms of flu with high temp and aching all over but the temp usually only lasts one day but with flu you will have a temp for days. Also you will not get cold symptoms with a stomach bug. Either way there is not alot your Dr can do and if you go to the surgery all you will do is spread it to all the patients and you will not be popular with the Dr. Ask for a phone consultation instead . They usually recommend rehydrating sachets if you have someone who can go to pharmacy for them. If you are still vomiting after 48 hrs and getting dehydrated then Dr wants to know but most bugs will let you drink some after 24 hrs. Paracetamol is good for the aches and temp if you can take it. Stomach bugs are ghastly when they are at their worst but hopefully you should improve after 24 hrs.
If you get a bad chest, cough etc then again see how you go and if no better in a few days ask Dr.

Going home
26-12-10, 21:09
Thing is that when you have a cold, all the gunk from your sinuses can trickle down your throat into your stomach and this can irritate it and make you heave....can also irritate your throat too. But it does sound like you've been unlucky enough to also have a bit of a stomach bug Phil, and being anxious produces even more symptoms and fear. Its an awful time of the year for these things and it always baffles me that these viruses can survive in the extreme cold conditions! Hope you feel better soon.

Anna x

26-12-10, 21:12
if you had flu you would not even be able to get yourself to the computer to type a message lol. that is not to say that you do not feel horrendous - i have had colds/viruses in the past that have made me feel really poorly but with flu you cannot move - literally only to go to the toilet!

26-12-10, 21:22
I hope you feel better soon Phil.

I had norovirus a few weeks ago. I felt very hot, temp was 38-39, achy, headache, shivery, diorrheoa and feeling very sick all of the time. I didn't feel well for about 10 days and I lost alot of weight.

27-12-10, 12:57
Update..got up today don't feel as sick which is good..

Only issue at the moment is every muscle from my neck, chest to arms to legs is absolutely aching. Can feel the veins like going cold and rushing too.

Maybe it's just been a sign of the flu?

27-12-10, 13:02
Why don't you ring NHS Direct?

27-12-10, 13:05
Why don't you ring NHS Direct?

I agree with LadyBird as I dont know what else you want us to say Phil.

Maybe if NHS direct tell you it is likely to just be a virus then it will set your mind at ease.

27-12-10, 13:12
I agree with LadyBird as I dont know what else you want us to say Phil.

Maybe if NHS direct tell you it is likely to just be a virus then it will set your mind at ease.

Well I said I felt better as the sickness has gone just muscle ache.

27-12-10, 13:17
Update..got up today don't feel as sick which is good..

Only issue at the moment is every muscle from my neck, chest to arms to legs is absolutely aching. Can feel the veins like going cold and rushing too.

Maybe it's just been a sign of the flu?

Then I'm not quite sure why you are posting Phil :shrug:

You are asking about the signs of flu and I have advised you to contact NHS Direct, the appropriate thing to do for someone who has concerns of a medical nature.

27-12-10, 13:23
Well I said I felt better as the sickness has gone just muscle ache.

I'm sorry I thought you were asking if it was flu? Well I am glad you are feeling better Phil, enjoy the rest of your day.

27-12-10, 13:25
Then I'm not quite sure why you are posting Phil :shrug:

I'm sorry I thought you were asking if it was flu? Well I am glad you are feeling better Phil, enjoy the rest of your day.

Thanks that's why I was posting..I think I'm allowed to post if I have anxiety worries..

27-12-10, 13:30
Of course you are allowed to post if you have anxiety worries but we have told you what we think it is and then said that if you are still feeling anxious about what it might be then maybe you should ring NHS direct to get some reassurance.

I'm sorry but I dont know what else to suggest, I hope you feel better soon.

27-12-10, 13:31
Ah..so you were posting about an anxiety issue?

Not clear from your post Phil, not clear at all. As for you posting and what is allowed..can't quite see the connection actually.

You always seem to post whatever you want..I wasn't aware that there are any restrictions in place?

By the way..glad to see you are feeling so much better. Looks like your illness has been quite short lived..you must be very pleased about that.

27-12-10, 13:38
Ah..so you were posting about an anxiety issue?

Not clear from your post Phil, not clear at all. As for you posting and what is allowed..can't quite see the connection actually.

You always seem to post whatever you want..I wasn't aware that there are any restrictions in place?

By the way..glad to see you are feeling so much better. Looks like your illness has been quite short lived..you must be very pleased about that.

Yep if it had been worse I'd have called the doctor for an over the phone thing but I read muscle pains is also anxiety so could be that.

But I feel a bit better so hopefully it will go away totally in the next few days and I can get back to tackling the anxiety.

27-12-10, 13:43
That all sounds very positive, one of the advantages of being young and healthy is that you can recover from viruses so much easier than those who are high risk, that seems to be the case with you.

I know you mentioned that you have some self-help books, while you are recovering from your bug it's a perfect opportunity to get some reading done.

As you're not at work it's a great opportunity to tackle your anxiety.

27-12-10, 14:56
Hi Phil,

sorry to hear your not been feeling too good, glad that your sickness has stopped, hope you are feeling better soon, keep posting Phil, as this helps you to express how you are feeling. it is good to vent how you feel. Well done for posting and venting.:).

hope you feel better soon.:hugs:



27-12-10, 21:17
Hi Phil,

sorry to hear your not been feeling too good, glad that your sickness has stopped, hope you are feeling better soon, keep posting Phil, as this helps you to express how you are feeling. it is good to vent how you feel. Well done for posting and venting.:).

hope you feel better soon.:hugs:



I have not been sick since so that's good..I ate some cereal today and soup but could not eat my full dinner..barely a bit of it..Also been on the toilet alot.

I felt I was going mad all afternoon with anxiety..then I had a massive panic attack about 7.30pm and I was ready to call for an ambulance I felt that bad with shortness of breath and it passed..so must have been anxiety..now since 8.30pm I have had a sore head, feeling I'm a bit mad and I'm terrified of a brain tumour..maybe that's why I'm ill? :ohmy: feel all unreal and confused and panicky..can barely relax all day. :weep:

No idea what's worse health anxiety or the bug..I have so many negative thoughts in my head..I'm worried that will send me off the rails. I'm worried as everything seems strange and feel my mind is not thinking normal just negative anxiety.

27-12-10, 21:24
I seriously doubt you have swine flu Phil.

With any flu it is excruciating in terms of every muscle in your body aching, and you certainly would not be well enough to sit/lie and type on a PC.

It most likely is a viral infection which are everywhere this time of year.

Just drink lots of fluids, keep an eye on any temperature and take some paracetamol if need be.

Get well soon.x

macc noodle
27-12-10, 21:28

Hope you are feeling better now?

Please try and get some rest - keep up the fluids and don't worry about eating - it really does not matter if you just eat small meals or none at all just as long as you keep plenty of fluids going in!

Anxiety is a very real problem and is exacerbating your symptoms but please try and focus on what is happening here.

Yes, you probably have one of these horrible viruses going round and the moment and you will recover soon.
Yes, you have problems with panic attacks which you need to address
No, you do not have a brain tumour - this is just your anxiety kicking in (trust me, having been there and done that many times myself before and having seen a dear relative die from a brain tumour this year - you are not showing any symptoms)
Your feeling unreal is a combination of the virus and your anxiety
Try and distract yourself away from thinking about your symptoms all the time - what do you normally try when you are panicking ? does music, watching tv, reading work??? I know it is hard when you are stuck in the middle of it all but good luck with it and hope the bug is gone very soon.

27-12-10, 21:37
Try and distract yourself away from thinking about your symptoms all the time - what do you normally try when you are panicking ? does music, watching tv, reading work??? I know it is hard when you are stuck in the middle of it all but good luck with it and hope the bug is gone very soon.

Thanks..I went and tidied up for 5 mins and it helped..and bang got a chest pain so came back to the PC. Problem is when I get an attack i come on the PC and sit and worry..but I think distraction was the right thing to do..maybe as it's xmas time of year I'm a tad more worried than usual just the fear of doctors being closed and I could die or something.

macc noodle
27-12-10, 21:46
Hey hun, we have all been there - I have a real problem with not being able to access medical help but I really have to make a conscious effort NOT to think about it - which I know is really hard but if I can find something to do it generally helps.

Mr Google is a bad bedfellow when you feel anxious as he only makes you worse - did the chest pain pass? (I bet it did in the end) - try and keep doing things to distract yourself it really is the only way.

And do you know what? You are really not alone - many of us have these demons and in the end you really will find a way to manage the problem and achieve some kind of perspective.

Do you know what I do - I actually write down how I feel when I am in the midst of it and then a few days later I look at what I have written down and marvel that I am still standing! I know it sounds really silly but in a way it proves to me that it is nothing more than health anxiety and panic and it makes it somehow a little more bearable and a little less scary (until it happens again of course.........) but you do get a sense of perspective. Might work for you or not as the case may be.

Anyway, keep up the good work you sound more positive and more relaxed than your other posts which is great.

macc noodle.

28-12-10, 03:49
I'm not quite better yet it seems..sickness gone great..

but the other end bowels are a nightmare I've spent like hours tonight..or this morning glued to a toilet seat, constipated, diarrhea...bad enough normal IBS but this is like twice as bad..

really can't wait for this to end and feel better. :wacko:

28-12-10, 04:50
I hope u feel better soon hun....anx gets worse when u have a viurs hun..i just got over the flu i think it was had it for 4 days u will get better...

28-12-10, 15:24
Today I got up at 1.30pm..managed to eat but my appetite is still gone.. :ohmy:

I have so many symptoms not sure if it's anxiety too..chest pains, dizzy, panic attacks, numbness...so worried about this...

I'm never gonna feel better! :weep: I'm dying..

macc noodle
28-12-10, 16:28
Come on Phil, YOU ARE NOT DYING! You have had a really nasty virus and it feels ten times worse because you are so anxious and panicking.

Keep taking paracetomol as per dosage, drink plenty of fluids and rest.

Loads and loads of people are feeling really grotty at the moment and I know it feels worse because the docs are closed and you feel more isolated.

Please try and keep looking forward - you do not feel as bad as yesterday but you still have nasty feelings and the side effects of the anxiety and panic are making you feel worse. Trust me, you will get better Phil.

Take care


28-12-10, 18:20
Got another health anxiety worry now..

Somebody at work has the flu and has a lung infection..

Symptoms are shortness of breath and some chest pain. I don't have a cough though...

Could I be infected or is it anxiety causing my symptoms?

28-12-10, 18:24
Phil. Please.

We cannot diagnose you and yet when anyone suggests that you seek some help you shrug off the advice..what exactly is it you want?

There are no doctors here apart from RLR. For question pertaining to possible medical problems either go and see your doc or call NHS Direct.

28-12-10, 18:26
Phil. Please.

We cannot diagnose you and yet when anyone suggests that you seek some help you shrug off the advice..what exactly is it you want?

There are no doctors here apart from RLR. For question pertaining to possible medical problems either go and see your doc or call NHS Direct.

I'm not shrugging off advice stop being so harsh.

I have been told my parents who have seen me that it is a bug and to hold off as there's little the doctor can give...

BUT i have health anxiety so I'm worried about all these possibilities. Somebody at work has the lung thing so my thought is - maybe I caught it? or maybe it's another bug

28-12-10, 18:29
Harsh? How dare you. I have spent time answering the posts that YOU post on this forum even though I have members of my family who are ill..a lot sicker than you come to mention it.

If you post then you are asking for advice, I have given the advice that I think will help.

Perhaps you should spend some of that time you seem to have so much of and take some time to actually thank the people who try and help you instead of insulting them.

It might do you the world of good.

28-12-10, 18:33
Hi Phil - I did reply earlier on as I was diagnosed with swine flu a few weeks back. I am still suffering from the effects however I felt so ill that I almost forgot about having any kind of anxiety & PA (although I am on the road to recovery anyway - I hope lol). You probably do have a nasty bug but your anxiety sounds to be more controlling than the illness itself. Can I almost add that if you dont have a cough than your lungs are likely to be fine...I have a hacking cough plus asthma and the doctor checked and my lungs are fine.

28-12-10, 18:34
Harsh? How dare you. I have spent time answering the posts that YOU post on this forum even though I have members of my family who are ill..a lot sicker than you come to mention it.

If you post then you are asking for advice, I have given the advice that I think will help.

Perhaps you should spend some of that time you seem to have so much of and take some time to actually thank the people who try and help you instead of insulting them.

It might do you the world of good.

Please I come on here to ask advice not be felt grudged of a reply. I appreciate any reply but you have been shouting in your last few replies. And I end up feeling worse..if nobody can offer advice I'd rather not have a reply that will stress me.

I said before my anxiety is ongoing and I am doing stuff, I can't put everything into practice neither can any of us since we are all on here many suffering like me.

I'm sorry if I offended you I just never found your reply helpful due to your tone so feel better to say. I appreciate there is others worse off and I sympathise.

28-12-10, 18:36
Hi Phil - I did reply earlier on as I was diagnosed with swine flu a few weeks back. I am still suffering from the effects however I felt so ill that I almost forgot about having any kind of anxiety & PA (although I am on the road to recovery anyway - I hope lol). You probably do have a nasty bug but your anxiety sounds to be more controlling than the illness itself. Can I almost add that if you dont have a cough than your lungs are likely to be fine...I have a hacking cough plus asthma and the doctor checked and my lungs are fine.

Thanks..well my mum has a terrible cough and also ill but I just have a slight cough..barely noticeable so maybe rules out the lung thing.

I was VERY anxious before this bug so since it hit me at a time I was struggling it's all become a bit much for me.

28-12-10, 18:38
Just to add I rather put all my health anxieties in this one post at the moment rather than start anymore. It's not that I'm ignoring peoples advice I tried to change the title but not sure it's shown up.

28-12-10, 18:42
Hi Phil

Have you tried doing things to distract yourself from your anxious thoughts?

I find playing the games on here often helps, I get a bit addicted to Gold miner classic which is a good one! I often find that if I distract myself for a while I then suddenly realise 10 mins later that all my symptons went away when I was distracted and therefore must only be anxiety and nothing serious.

28-12-10, 18:43
Ok Phil, last reply.

I wish you well but truthfully cannot see you getting better while you continue to constantly post in the same manner.

I haven't shouted..you said you were dying, you asked about symptoms of the flu, lung infection..I ask you again what replies do you want exactly?

That it could be an infection? Possibly but the only person who can tell you that is your doctor. Hence.."ask your doctor"

Could it be anxiety? Yes and you know it could. The same advice has been repeated over and over so take something from it...and as I mentioned try acknowledging the people who try and help you.

Yes you have anxiety..so does everyone here! Nobody's needs should take priority over others and to expect that is unreasonable.

You cannot pick and choose the replies. If that is what you intend to do I think you may find that you get less and less as you only want the replies that suit you.

Anxiety is an ongoing thing for many of us, we just don't necessarily show it.

Ok that's all I need to say. You don't like my tone so I won't answer your posts anymore but will leave it to others who are more suitable.

macc noodle
28-12-10, 21:19
You know Phil, ladybird does have a point! You do seem to be in quite a bit of turmoil with yourself and do seem completely wrapped up in moving from one symptom to the next.

Anxiety is horrible and you can become completely bogged down in the feelings that it generates and you can lose a sense of proportion.

I have felt like pooh for the last two weeks with a virus affecting my chest and throat but to be honest I have two young children who were so looking forward to Christmas and they needed me to be strong and to keep going so that I could give them a good time. Sometimes you just have to screw up some courage and keep going and, strangely enough, the HA does surrender or at the very least loosen its grip on you.

If you are so worried about your condition, make a doctor's appointment just as soon as you can - I am sure that your surgery will be open tomorrow for appointments and I am sure that you can have a telephone consultation at the very least.

Don't alienate your friends here at NMP - we all have problems and issues that we look to others for support here - there is no need to be offended when people offer you support and sometimes it is necessary to be direct and tell it like it appears from postings.

28-12-10, 21:33
Hi I wouldnt ring NHS direct my friend next door rang with a heavy cold and they said Dial 999 eeeeeeek scared the out of her and she had the Dr out who was not impressed and told her she has a cold and stomache bug and was not going to die, well not from that LOL, hope you feel better today.

31-12-10, 23:12
I am also stressing now....

had a headache for a couple of days
now a sore throat and achey, runny nose
and an indigestion type of feeling...No fever or other symptoms yet?!
I would have been fine if swine flu wasnt back with avengence.
I am obviously thinking the worse as we all do.
I am a single mum, who lost my mum nearly 2 yrs ago i fear the same is going to happen to me and i am going to leave me kids.
so the least little things get to me.

I was on sertraline until 3 months ago and came off of it, and although i am no where near as bad as i was i am still stressing over getting ill

I'm usually in good health i dont drink or smoke but am overweight so this is my reason for worrying.

I know this is just going to be a cold, and i'm sooo annoyed with myself.

02-01-11, 13:05
The best way to work out whether you have flu or a cold virus is the "£20 test"....

If someone told you that there was a £20 note in your garden, and you could be bothered to get out of bed to go and get it, then you haven't got flu. I was told this one many years ago and it's very true. If you really have got flu, you feel awful and don't want to move about.

If you can get yourself out of bed, get showered and dressed and make yourself something to eat, then you've most likely got a cold or a similar virus. "Real" flu tends to make people feel quite unwell because you have a fever.

Hope this helps! :)

02-01-11, 13:19
Not to worry too much about Swine Flu, at the end of the day it's another strain of the Flu Virus. Yes it has killed some folk, but so has the normal strain. Also over 79,000 people have had the flu and the 39 odd who has died equates to 0.00006% of the population.

Lots of nasties going around though. Keep an eye on your temperature as that's the tell tail sign whether or not a doctors visit is required. Anything above 103 for over 23 hours is worth further investigation.