View Full Version : just want to feel normal again

26-12-10, 11:04
Hi all,

Im really fed up with anxiety the past 4/5 days i have been in a heighten state of anxiety i have been suffering for a long time with eye symptoms like spots and flashes in vision i then convince myself i have a brain tumor or mad cows disease now for the last 2 days over Christmas my body has been tingling all over and constant thought of going mad and im mentally ill started to feel a bit better yesterday evening but then started getting horrible intrusive thoughts about hurting loved ones which then kicked off my anxiety even more now this morning i feel dizzy and dream like its horrible

anyone else had anything similar to help put my mind at rest

eternally optimistic
26-12-10, 11:34

I am sure this is all anxiety related and neither of the things you think you have.

Intrusive thoughts are horrible and I hope the disappear as quickly as they came.

Hang in there.

Is there anything you can try and focus on, or take yourself out and about for a short while.

26-12-10, 11:40
bless the thoughts of hurting loved ones is so so scarey i rember those thoughts when my daughter was 3 and i became afraid of being home alone with her i loved her so much it broke my heart i never wanted her out of my sight yet i was afraid to be sat in the house with her its so hard to explain this was bk in 70s and i had i no idea wat was wrong with me i was 25 then and did not find out wat was wrong with me till i was in my late 30s i struggled for so long with anxiety panic attack and mild agraphobia wich as got worse over the years any way my daughter is now in her 30s i never harmed her once but the thoughts were so scarey wen she was young i still dont no why these thoughts ever happend i am still a bad sffer to this day i am now 55 its lifted from time to time went on to ave 5 more children who ave been my life as never been able to work so had i not brought a family up i would not ave done any thingin my life there is alot more help around now its just finding one that will work for you and help u to cope better are you on meds or how long ave you been suffering any way trust me you are not alone take care lv trish

26-12-10, 13:52
thank you so much for the messages - i just having a hard time coping with the anxiety its seems to be worst than usual and been like it for days its hard to clear my mind and start looking forward