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View Full Version : Nervous stomach, sore throat, trembling

26-12-10, 12:32
hi all hope you all had a great christmas i had a lovely day yesterday for once no anxiety untill today when i woke up made myself some toast only managed half a slice :weep: and a cup of decaf tea with 3 hobnob bickies :winks:

anyway i started getting bad nervous stomach feelings just like bad butterfly feeling like i needed to run the loo very fast but when i went the first time it was just to open my bowels normal but when i came back down my stomach still doing those flip-flop feelings i still feel i need to run the loo but i dont need to go once i egt there its just the feeling of needing to go !!
i started getting hungry so made myself another slice of toast to see if i can eat it which i did but as soon as i have eaten it my stomach for needing the loo kicks off again ????

i keep getting a sore throat like there is something sharp stuck in my throat...
keep having little hot flushes....
but its all just mainly my stomach how can i stop this feeling of needing the loo as i go and dont need anything..
all negative thinking spinning round my mind why cant this all just go away and let me have an anxiety free life !!!!
what will settle nervous belly feeling if it is that also my doc says i could be suffering with acid reflux of ibs but i wont no untill the 31st as i get a scope done then does this sound like IBS?? or is it just my anxiety i have no need to feel nervous am just staying in today cleaning up TRYING to have a relaxing day