View Full Version : Borderline underactive thyroid

26-12-10, 13:14
OR Hypothyroid?

I was diagnosed with Borderline underactive thyroid on thursday as well as aneamia but I found this online that lists a hell of a lot of my symptoms off and its for Hypothyroid - it could even be the cause of my anxiety


26-12-10, 13:20
It might be interesting to others?

I was gonna go to A & E because i'm alus bothered about my heart but thought I might be going over the top!

26-12-10, 13:43
simple answer yes most defiantly,,mine i

26-12-10, 14:04
Thing is because we arnt doctors we don't know if the medication we are on is making us better or worse until a doctor gets it right - but there are thatmany ilnesses that have the same symptoms it must be hard being a doctor, mine does know i've been with migraine/headache, anxiety, weakness, hairloss, aches, pains, sore throat, fatigue, palatations, nausea, I also got diagnosed with high BP, Its scarey to think I could be taking tablets for the wrong thing though!


26-12-10, 14:24
Hi Del

With a list of symptoms as long as that, I'm sure everyone could pick out ones at random to fit any disease you care to name!

I'm always suspicious of websites like this, maybe I'm gullible but I do trust doctors and specialists and if they diagnose a condition then chances are they are right.

I am even more suspicious when a website tells you to ignore any test results and diagnose just on symptoms..a test confirmation of hypothyroidism should be ignored? I don't think so.

I notice they give a link to a specific testing site that they advocate, I also see it costs over £300 dollars to have the test done.

I smell a rat somehow. :winks:

26-12-10, 14:49
Hi Del

With a list of symptoms as long as that, I'm sure everyone could pick out ones at random to fit any disease you care to name!

I'm always suspicious of websites like this, maybe I'm gullible but I do trust doctors and specialists and if they diagnose a condition then chances are they are right.

I am even more suspicious when a website tells you to ignore any test results and diagnose just on symptoms..a test confirmation of hypothyroidism should be ignored? I don't think so.

I notice they give a link to a specific testing site that they advocate, I also see it costs over £300 dollars to have the test done.

I smell a rat somehow. :winks:

Aaah right, I see what you mean, I was actually looking up Borderline underactive thyroid and it came up with that then I just read the symptoms and thought WOW, I have most of them, I think i'll stick with what my doctor has said, the only thing I have done just now because my doctor said he would wait a while to see how the thyroid goes BUT I have just took a thyroid tablet because the symtoms are bad and actually have managed to spoil my xmas, so I have still got the low dosage here and have took one.
i'll steer clear of that site though I posted and just look at NHS related ones from now on.

Thanks for pointing things out.

26-12-10, 14:52
No problems hun.

My daughter has an underactive thyroid and is on Levothyroxine but she also has a multitude of other health problems as well as a rare syndrome.

Sometimes you just have to place your faith in the experts, doctors are trained to diagnose so try and trust their judgement. :hugs:

26-12-10, 16:19
Thing is because we arnt doctors we don't know if the medication we are on is making us better or worse until a doctor gets it right - but there are thatmany ilnesses that have the same symptoms it must be hard being a doctor, mine does know i've been with migraine/headache, anxiety, weakness, hairloss, aches, pains, sore throat, fatigue, palatations, nausea, I also got diagnosed with high BP, Its scarey to think I could be taking tablets for the wrong thing though!


My God......... that list must cover just about everything!!...... think they've just trawled through the dictionary. I've an underactive thyroid but can't honestly say I've experienced all that lot!! Its a BIG mistake reading these sort of things as if you're not already neurotic....... you soon will be!!!

Going home
26-12-10, 16:42
Yes I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid only a few weeks ago(it could well have been borderline for some time though Ive been told) and am now on the first three months of levothyroxine at 50mg after which time i'll have another blood test to see how the levels are. I suffer with alot of the symptoms of it but not all and unfortunately have also been taking beta blockers (propranolol) for a few years because of high BP and migraine (the reason for the beta blockers was because of the combination of high BP and migraine apparently otherwise it would've been just meds for the BP which are different) so I'm not even sure if some of the symptoms are because of this, such as weight gain.

I have to say though that even though ive been told levothyroxine takes a few months to really kick in, even after only a few weeks it seems to be very slowly making a difference to my energy levels.

Anna x

17-06-11, 02:15
There are thyroid support websites out there:


And yes, depression, psychosis and fatigue are symptomatic of the condition.

OR Hypothyroid?

I was diagnosed with Borderline underactive thyroid on thursday as well as aneamia but I found this online that lists a hell of a lot of my symptoms off and its for Hypothyroid - it could even be the cause of my anxiety


17-06-11, 19:18
I had thyroiditis last year and was beeing seen every month for it. Which my endo said could be the reason i was experiencing all the anxiety symptoms because the thyroid could do that. I started out hyperthyroid, then i went hypothyroid, before it finally leveled out on its own without taking any medications. I thought they symptoms would end once my thyroid leveled out, but of course they didnt :(

Anyway here was the forum i was part of during that time, everyone on there is very helpful and the site is real informative just like on here:


18-06-11, 14:26
My anxiety problems were triggered though an underactive thyroid! I had been visiting my gp complaining of a variety of symptoms for quit sometime (probably as long as 2 years or more) My G.P alway put everything down to anxiety saying that I took after my mother (who as chronic anxiety). I refused to go on medication for anxiety as I was afraid I would become addicted like my mother so I never drew my prescriptions. One day my friend phoned me, she had been telling her mum about my symptoms and how I felt and her mum had said that I sounded very much like she had when she started with Underactive thyroid. She leant me a book whch listed the symptoms and it was like reading about myself. My G.P sent me for some tests and it came back as underactive thyroid. I can see in a way why my G.P thought it was anxiety as the symptoms can mirror each other but they should have still checked my thyroid function to rule this out. I went on thyroxine and within several weeks I was so much better, I felt on top of the world. No more symptoms. I took thyroxine for about 5 years then my bloods started coming back as been borderline so my G.P stopped my meds. I have been without thyroxine for about 6 year and I have all the same symptoms as before, I cannot sit and watch tv, read, etc as I feel like I am on a boat, rocking from side to side, I am overweight and feel generally crappy. Because i was told for so long i was suffering from anxiety I now do suffer from this horrific monster. Epecially when my thyroid is playing up, I feel panicky and quite ill. :(