View Full Version : Cancer fear

26-12-10, 17:31
I can't stop checking my testicles for cancer, i check about 10 times a day, i can feel a lump, but it's on both sides and i know it's called the epidiymus, but i keep thinking it's cancer and i'm gettin really bummed out by it, i've had em checked before by my GP in 2009 and she says it was normal, but i keep thinking they got it wrong and that every other ailment i get in my body, light head or a stomach ache is related to an undiscovered tumor. I've had lots of thoughts of actually cutting off my own testicles, they feel horrible and shouldn't be there, i'm seeing a psychologist but i haven't spoke much about it, i think i will when i see her but it's becoming a bit obsessional, has anybody else done this? especially guys do you know the lump i am on about? Thankyou

26-12-10, 17:41
Hope everying goes ok for u i really do.im sure there is absolutly nothing to worry about.my boyfriend had a lump in his testicle a few months ago.my anxiety went sky high but he stayed calm.it turned ouf it was a cyst but it was a scary time.u would know if these lumps wernt normal.and if they r in both testicles then i know u have nothing to worry a:)bout.taks care.kirsty

26-12-10, 20:02
What you are feeling is the sperm tube that connects the testicle to the outer opening of your penis via the prostate gland which is inside you and provides the fluid part of the semen, all perfectly normal, and yes they do feel rather lumpy!

As for cutting your testicles off, you would then encounter all sorts of problems, including hormone imbalances and extreme pain, you would also be at risk of developing some female charicteristics such as enlarged breast tissues as your testosterone levels dropped.
