View Full Version : health anxiety

26-12-10, 19:50
hi - i have been so worried about my health for the last few days, my anxiety has shot through the roof now i have started to calm down a bit and it feels like i have lost a few days through worry does anyone else experience this after high anxiety which last for days

paula lynne
27-12-10, 00:20
Hiya, I think a lot of us here have felt like we floated about for a while after intense anxiety, its normal. Just the body and brain getting you through I guess. No harm done, glad you feel calmer now dc. x

27-12-10, 05:46
Health Anxiety comes under the umbrella of obsessional problems and has many similarities to that of obsessive compulsive disorder.
Examples of compulsions associated with the condition include the following: constantly seeking reassurance from health professionals/others, poking/checking parts of the body, searching symptoms online and monitoring/recording sensations.In terms of misinterpreting sensations, one may believe they are having a heart attack because their heart is beating quickly due to anxiety or if one has a bad headache they may jump to the conclusion that this must be a sign of a brain hemorrhage or the presence of a mole may make one assume they've got skin cancer.


03-01-11, 09:19
Hi can the these really be just anxiety symptoms..i have pain the move saround..ive had tests done and blood work done all up to now have be ok.lm terrified im dying and in a mess daily..i was ok for a couple of weeks but its back as bad as ever..im shaking/in pain and crying as i believe im dying..its just awful.