View Full Version : Eye pain, neck pain...advice needed

26-12-10, 21:25
Worrying about a dull ache behind my right eye which also seems to be connected to a pain running down the right side of my neck that I have had since Friday. I have had a bad cold, possibly mild case of sinusitis, for a few weeks. Trying to convince myself it is connected to the cold but as a serial 'worrier' thinking it's something much more serious. Any reassurance please!

27-12-10, 14:08
Look for the most likely explanation first and you have already got there it could be blocked sinuses as they can give you neck and eye pain so try doing all the things you would to ungunk yourself:)

Have you strained your neck recently any unfamiliar movements over xmas as I get neck pain and eye pain from tense neck muscles ( I do have damaged neck) the weirdest is when my eye hurts as I move it but is painfree if I keep it still, amazing how much we move our eyes:D