View Full Version : Dizziness this morning

26-12-10, 21:35
Hi all,

I woke up this morning, and upon turning my head on the pillow I suddenly felt the room spinning in my head. I even felt slightly naucious with it.

I got up and went to the toilet, then back to bed.

After a while the spinning slowed down and I havent really noticed it today that much, but my head has felt tense, like a light headache all day but not much to fret about.

Any ideas on this?

m going to sleep in a few hours and im wondering how ill feel in the morning or if it is just a one off.

Probably just stress cause ive had a big week with my negative hiv test and christmas etc...

26-12-10, 21:50
Hi peter, 12 months ago the exact same thing happened to me!.. I felt a bit spacy for a day or two after, then it calmed down. My ears were feeling a bit woolly with some crackling so saw the GP who said sinus or ear prob could have caused the spinning. She found no ear problem though but did find sinus issues.