View Full Version : Worried

27-12-10, 01:58
Im realy worried now ive got strange sensation under my ribs on my left side ive had it a few hours now....its not hurting just really uncomfortable to me it feels like a hugew bubble thats pushing my ribs out my partner tried his best to reasure me telling it looks and feels likeike the right side but im still realy anxious over it............does anybody have any idea what it could be if its anything at all ??

27-12-10, 02:14
Hi there.

Believe it or not, the area you've described as well as the symptoms are commonly affected in such a way due to indigestion and stomach acid etc. playing up which in the short term is nothing to worry about..

27-12-10, 02:32
Hi thanks for the reply its really worrying me and now o feel really sick and panicky its seems like its swelling from the inside x

27-12-10, 03:28
My son had that once and it was a air gas stomach bubble.

27-12-10, 03:51
Whats one of them ? Are they dangerous :weep:

27-12-10, 04:07
Are you burping a lot?

27-12-10, 04:19
Oh right lol ill try thanks its realy annoying me now i cant sleep :mad:

27-12-10, 04:34
What did you eat last? :)

27-12-10, 04:46
Erm........ i had a chicken burger about five hours ago x

28-12-10, 20:42
has anyone alse ever had this problem its till there and now im convinced its something terrible :weep:

28-12-10, 21:50
im sorry to keep posting but im terrified :weep: its like something is pushing my ribs out on my left side it feels like pressure and it also feels like my ribs will catch onto something if you know what i mean and when i lay onmy side it fels like my ribbs are getting caught onto my right ones :blush: someone help please :weep:

28-12-10, 21:55
Hi Kyleigh I think you are probably suffering with gas as the other person said, that is were you would get the discomfort on your left and when lying down it can feel like you are swelling ready to burst have you taken anything yet.

28-12-10, 21:58
i get this to. Gas :) its horrible and so painful. suffered with this nearly every day for 6 months last year... but i wasnt anxious then and never visited my doctor once lol. painkillers should help. i normally find its gone the next day. and i find moving my bowels helps to.

28-12-10, 21:58
i know but i dont feel like a need to burb or pass wind itsnot painful really just realy uncomfortable and my stomach iss growling alot :blush: i havent taken anything id have no idea what to take ??

28-12-10, 21:59
i get this to. Gas :) its horrible and so painful. suffered with this nearly every day for 6 months last year... but i wasnt anxious then and never visited my doctor once lol. painkillers should help. i normally find its gone the next day. and i find moving my bowels helps to.

mine isnt painful just uncomfortabe and i have had it a couple of days now :weep: xx

28-12-10, 22:00
Boiled water cooled and then drunk or cocacola drunk fast that brings wind up like no ones business.
Having no pain sure tells me its gas and I was going to ask when you last when Loo.

28-12-10, 22:00
hmm. It cold be indgestion if your growling a lot.
I had it bad about a month ago and everyone in my college class could hear me rumbling and i was doubled over in pain.
I would take indgestion pills (gaviscon are good) if you think its that or just normal painkillers.

28-12-10, 22:09
erm i think i have some rennies could try them ?? or are they just for heartburn....... i went to the toilet last night i dont go very often anyway....ill go try some coke now hopefully that will work :unsure: xx

28-12-10, 22:11
Rennies could be helpful yes :) i took some once when i had stomach issues and they helped. theres no harm in taking them anyway even if you dont have gas/indgestion/heartburn.

28-12-10, 22:13
thanks for replying ive ot a horrible taste in my mouth aswell do you think there connected ?? xx

28-12-10, 22:18
to many sprouts:Ddo some moving about that will give a release:blush:

28-12-10, 22:20
hi kayleigh, i've had this on and off for atleast 4 months now thinking it was my spleen or heart! its a pain i know but i was told its muscle tension please try and relax :) could also be a touch of acid reflux, its more than likely nothing if its still there by tomorrow go to your doctors, if it IS acid reflux take some zantac they've worked miracles for me in the past :D take care xxx

31-12-10, 02:06
Hi everyone so i went to the doctors yesterday and he just gave my ribs a little tap and said its nothing to worry about !! But why is the pressure still there and ive got a horrible taste in the back of my mouth im to scared to cough properly incase something pops :-( x x