View Full Version : I want to enjoy life again next year

27-12-10, 15:16
I've had such a low year I just want to enjoy life a bit again next year. I really miss having a girlfriend seems like so long since I felt love that made me feel really happy and content about myself. Also I'm not happy in my current job not enough hours plus the place I travel to I'm not very comfortable with as I don't like it.

I'm 22 and just duno what I want with my life anymore..but surely it will get better than feeling dead end with no change? I want to get over my anxiety and get out first off, then if I can meet new people, change jobs maybe I'll once again be happy?

I just miss those "right for me opportunities" felt I've had none this year which is depressing. Anybody else in that boat? :huh:

27-12-10, 15:22
Im definatly in the same boot hun.im 36 now with two kids.i have no job.dont go out or see any of my friends anymore and i had to move bk in with my mum bcause of this damn health anxiety.the good thing is i start anxiety management and councilling in the new yr so imhoping nxt yr will b a much better than the last four yrs.good luck phil xxx

eternally optimistic
27-12-10, 15:26
Hi yah Phil,

You sound in a feisty mood, I mean that in a good way, too.

Keep a hold of the things and thoughts you have now and try and chip away at them.

Perhaps you should list want you want to do and tell us when you get round to achieving them.

I think, Phil, you are moving in the right direction.

Best of luck.

27-12-10, 15:47
Hi yah Phil,

You sound in a feisty mood, I mean that in a good way, too.

Keep a hold of the things and thoughts you have now and try and chip away at them.

Perhaps you should list want you want to do and tell us when you get round to achieving them.

I think, Phil, you are moving in the right direction.

Best of luck.

I want to switch jobs but it will be really hard with cut backs next year but nothing is impossible I guess.

As for my love life it's hard..I want to meet the right one not settle for just anybody. It's been 3 and a half years since I was in love though.

I am telling myself it can't get much lower than this year and next year may be better.

eternally optimistic
27-12-10, 16:28
I guess I know what you are saying.

But, Phil, dont pressurise yourself to be doing all sorts.

I reckon you have time over the past few days to see what you want out of life.

If you dont mind me saying this, Phil, you sound a different person, in a nice way.


Maybe when you feel a bit more settled after Christmas, you could look for a job as a starter. It is hard out there at the moment, but also, like you said, nothing is impossible.

Take care, chin up and C H I L L.

Best wishes for the New Year.

28-12-10, 09:09
Thats a good idea, make a list of small things you want to achieve, then you can move onto bigger ones. I know exactly how you feel, its been 4 1/2 months since I started getting anxiety and depression. I have been on 20mg Citalopram for the past 2 months. I am having counselling with is a real help as talking to her is unravelling why I feel this depression. One of the main reasons is that I want to feel more fulfilled job wise, I have an easy stress free part time job, which I know sounds great, and it was to begin with, but I know I am capable of so much more and want to get back to working full time. I am looking at courses I can do in the new year so I can have more options, I feel better just knowing I am trying to make changes. Good luck to you. xx