View Full Version : upset,pmt,ill ??

27-12-10, 16:21
trying to bring myself down from a panick attack !!! i have felt this building for a few days..and been controlling it well all be it with a few anxiety rushes ive been doin well. that is until this afternoon keep having the start of a PA but then it stops. i blame myself, i know i shouldnt but i cant seem to focus on anything but !! "its xmas" i keep saying, i wanna feel happy then i say stop !! go away !! and now i am emotional and wanna cry, feel like a freak once more, no good for my kids !! a let down ... my head and body shakes, i get dizzy, i hate it and also that thought of..well u know.
then i think is it just bad PMT as i am due my peiod, or over-indulgence thats made me feel sick.. or flu or summat ?????????? i hate it ! ihate It !!
if i could control these racing thoughts, i would be ok !! but i just look at my kids and think, " i am going to ruin xmas " and it all starts again. so sad at the moment...so sad...

27-12-10, 16:45
Hi attwood,

so sorry your having a rotten time of it, I hope you feel better soon. I wish I had a magic wand so I could magic away all the rotten things that you feel and make you well again.

sorry I dont have a magic wand, though was a nice thought. I hope you do feel better soon.

sending you lots of hugs




27-12-10, 20:24
thx words like that,trulymake a big difference.i know its just a small blip but at the time it feels massive..i will beat it , i know i will xx