View Full Version : Just got my diagnosis blew me away .. need help pls

27-12-10, 18:48
Hi Everyone

Well got my 1st attack 2 weeks ago thought it was a heart attack & been tested from head to toe since then got my results this morning .. panick attacks .. blew me away i am mentally drained had another attack on xmas eve that i thought i would never see it thru
What i want to ask is do you think it can be cured with Omega 3 &
B Supplement & an immediate change of lifestyle because i have been a workaholic .. but 1 Dr has given me cipram & another gave me Lorazepam dont have any knowledge of meds i never take them & really dont want to unless there is no other way out
After trying to read up on it does anyone have any experience with Linden method or anything that you would recommend .. thanks in advanced for any help guys ......... absolutely drained

27-12-10, 18:49
Hi desres

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

paula lynne
27-12-10, 20:24
Welcome to the forum. Lots of people use self-help like books, relaxation tapes/cds, aromatherapy.....lots of avenues to explore, just find one right for you. May be worth looking at your diet, especially any caffine, alcohol, processed foods. Some swear by exercise as it burns off excess adrenaline. Hope you feel better soon xx:welcome:

27-12-10, 21:13
I think the "cure" is something you need to find for yourself, I mean that it's probably going to be a case of making some changes to your patterns of thinking and possibly your lifestyle. What's unusual about this type of illness is that a cure is often a very individual thing.

Medication can buy you the time and space to deal with the things you need to deal with, it's not for everyone, I was very reluctant but it has actually really helped me.

First thing to learn, and I speak as a bit of a workaholic, you cannot "make" yourself better to a timetable. This will take it's own time, piling pressure on yourself to get better doesn't work. :)

Edited to add: Just Googled the Linden method and it seems to basically be a CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) course. CBT has worked well for a lot of people, but you can get an awful lot of CBT self-help material for the price of the Linden course. I'd suggest having a good read around before you part with money for a promised "quick fix". In my own experience, Mindfulness (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mindfulness_%28psychology%29)has been a very effective technique and endorsed by both my psychotherapist and GP. Lots of resources online, I'd reccomend Jon Kabat-Zinn's books (https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_1_15?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=john+kabat+zinn&sprefix=john+kabat+zinn) and there is some information on the Mental Health Foundation's website (http://www.bemindful.co.uk/about_mindfulness)


Vanilla Sky
27-12-10, 22:16
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

29-12-10, 00:19
Hi Had anxiety attacks through work - overload and a boss who was a bully over 3 years ago - doc was good listened watched me twitch and prescribed long walks, awful herbal tea (her words not mine) no coca cola or coffee (i didn't mention wine at all!). She also gave me a prescription for a book called understanding your anxiety - it was old fashioned but accurate. The 4 weeks off work - and not driving made a huge difference - try it!!
The anxiety has jumped up and bit me again - it seems to once you got it - a bit like a cold sore! It subsided now but !!!!