View Full Version : feeling very ill :(

27-12-10, 19:17
I'm really feeling awful. I've gone from having a urine infection + thrush, and a bit of acid reflux/chest pain to being virtually unable to go the loo (from both ends), suffering from muffled hearing and really severe dizziness, the floor feels as though its swimming. This is worse at night in bed, after eating, and after exertion but it can even occur whilst watching telly after tea. It's putting me off eating and I'm at a complete loss of what to do. Tonight while I was doing the dishes my eyes felt really funny too. I keep getting blurry eyes too. My mum says there's nothing wrng with me if I can post on here but I feel like I'm moving even if I am sitting still. It's really weird, not sure what to do.

27-12-10, 19:26
do you mean you cant wee at all x

27-12-10, 19:28
do you mean you cant wee at all x

Well I can go but it takes about ten minutes each time - I end up having to strain and land up with a headache/dizziness afterwards!

27-12-10, 19:34
Daisycake, drink lots of water if you can hun. It sounds like you are retaining urine, and that should help you a bit, and help flush your system of the bacteria too. You may be a wee bit dehydrated as well with the dizziness and headache symptoms.

Rest as much as you can and try to keep your food and fluids up hun.xx

27-12-10, 19:41
hi i agree debs71 its sounds like your dehydrated drink loads of water im sure thats what it is and headache is a classic symptom if you cant eat at the moment thats ok but drink loads of fluid hope you feel better soon x

27-12-10, 19:43
Yeh, I agree too bronte! Food believe it or not isn't so crucial if you don't feel up to it, but plently of fluids are.

Get well soon.x

27-12-10, 19:44
I agree with the girls daisycake, try and drink as much as you can.

take care



27-12-10, 19:46
OK, I don't think I'm helping myself as I've mainly been eating chocolate and sugary fizzy juice.. Will cut back on both and stick to the water for a while instead :winks: Thanks both :hugs: hoepfully will feel better soon :) xx

Hazel B
27-12-10, 20:41
You can also have "watery foods" such as friut or soup, even if you can't eat solid food soup is sometimes OK to eat and will help hydrate you. Also, milk if you can stomach it, as you get protein with the fluid.

Hope you feel better soon.

27-12-10, 21:15
Have you spoken to your doctor as if you are struggling to wee but you've just had an urinary infection it could be something to do with that.

Maybe it's not cleared up yet and needs more treatment. I'd ask my doc if it was me as you dont want it it going any worse or going to your kidneys. Kidney infections are blummin awful as I had one caused by an untreated urinary infection.. OUCH

Like already said in the mean time drink plenty of fluids.. barley water is good for flushing out.

27-12-10, 23:08
Yeah have been taking a lot to drink tonight, and sticking with the antibiotics.. I'm not sure, I was intending on giving them a ring tommorow as it is as I've run out of prescription medication and could do with more. but I don't know if I'll get a GP on the phone, I'm at home from uni until Feb (xmas/exams leave) so cant see anyone til then so hopefully theyl let me speak to someone on phone. Feeling a bit sicky now as well, took the antibioitcs at 4ish without following full instructions (i.e. take with food!) so think I am now paying for that.. I think I will ring though, like you say dont want it to get any worse. Thanks everyone :hugs::hugs::hugs:

28-12-10, 13:07
So the doctors aren't open, and mum doesn't want me ringing nhs direct! Have had two massive glasses of water since 10am this morning, the dizziness isnt as bad now but still can't wee properly, to top of it off the skin down there is all peeling and cracked - so when I did finally force myself to wee this morning - 20 mins of struggling - it stung like hell! Have got 50/50 ointment for eczema so trying to use that but it isnt helping much.. Will stick with the tablets though, my doctor is back to work on the 5th so I'l be able to see someone then.. xxx

28-12-10, 16:51
hun, it is just a thought, but I wonder if a barrier cream..something like Sudocrem, may be of more help to you right now, rather than the 50/50 which is just an emollient?

I feel for you as it is tricky as you have the eczema there, and with the weeing it will irritate the eczema, so I wonder if protecting the skin with a barrier cream may be more helpful to you now.

The best ones in my opinion are anything that you can put on babies nappy areas as these are the purest creams you will get, like Sudocrem which is excellent.

Like you say, keep on with the tabs, but if the urine retention continues DEFINITELY see the doctor about that, as it could mean the infection is worse than first thought, and you need more antibiotics.

lots of love.x:)

28-12-10, 17:29
Yeah probably a better idea :D all I've got is emollients which aren't making a big difference so will have a look and see if my mum has sudocrem, I know they have diprobase for excema - both mum and sister have pretty bad excema too - but I dont think you can use that there!! Will see... Still taking tablets :D and plenty of water.. Waiting on a nurse/GP ringing me back but nhs advisor said that could be a lot later on tonight .. I did manage to go about 4 o clock ish, not long after I rang them up so that is a bit of relief at least :yesyes: hopefully will get it all sorted soon, feel awful for phoning them up especially as they'll be so busy with the surgeries all shut but I guess thats what they're there for.

Thank you for advice, :hugs::hugs:
Linda (daisy) xxxx

28-12-10, 17:47
Spoke to a nurse, she says all three are boucing off each other - that they're all making each other worse, and therefore its not easily fixed ... so she says put up with it tonight, try natural youghurt/sudocrem and then go tommorow to chemist and get cansesten cream.. apparently I'm entitled to get it free somehow. So that will be good at least, hopefully that will calm things down a bit. If it doesn't clear up within 24 hrs then I've got to see a GP.

Wish one day I could wake up with nothing wrong, might make everyone happy, my mum isnt at all happy with me for asking for advice, she's complaining when I ask her for advice then complains even more if I dare ask someone else, aaah :shrug:... Goodness knows then what I will do if it doesn't clear up, she will freak if I go see a GP. I suppose its cos I complain a lot but I really dont know what to do.

Then to top it off, I was wanting to ask the nurse advice about palpitations/dizziness too but was too scared incase they'd drag me to A&E again - so now trying to reassure myself about that one too, aah!
