View Full Version : Suddenly feeling anxious for no reason...?

27-12-10, 21:27
Does anybody ever suddenly start feeling panicky/anxious for no apparent reason? I have been getting this recently and it's starting to get to me. I have panic attacks and agoraphobia and being in certain situations can make me feel anxious, or sometimes even thinking about that situation is enough to do it. However, lately I've been getting sudden anxious and panicky feelings for seemingly no reason at all, like while I'm sat watching TV or anything. I'll just suddenly start thinking 'oh my god' and I'll get hot flushes and feel like I just need to get out of wherever I am. This is really freaking me out because I feel like I have no control over it, and I'm even wondering if there's something wrong, as in what if it's not anxiety?

I'm really struggling to get a hold of my panic attacks and agoraphobia, and this is just making me feel worse. My partner has just got back in touch with his dad recently, and we are supposed to be visiting him on Wednesday night. It's about 6 or 7 miles away. Now I feel like I can't go because I might get one of these panicky spells and I won't be able to just get up and leave. My worst scenario is people noticing that I'm panicking. I just don't know what to do and how to get a hold of this. Does anybody else get this or have any tips for me? Thanks :)

27-12-10, 21:39
They are the worse panic attacks those that come on for no reason ann. Makes you wonder what's going on in your head to have caused it. I'm sure they are panic attacks and nothing more. Any form of relaxation before you go out will help. Anything to take your mind off it. And just remember that you got through the last one and you can get through the next one. Don't worry about people noticing you, they will be busy with their own stuff.

take care


27-12-10, 21:46
Absolutely Ann...me too.

Christmas morning when myself and my family were opening presents I felt a wave of anxiety and depersonalisation hit, and I couldn't rationalise it as I have felt really well for ages. I can only rationalise it somewhat as being the anticipation of the event and some anxiety build up.

It is so infuriating (anxiety) as it can just appear to leap out of nowhere, but there is always even a very underlying cause for it, and often something so unassuming as Xmastime or some event can bring it on. Mine lately is always stirred up by anticipation of something, like a family get together/do, a visit to the hairdressers/ other appointment and I link it to adrenaline in that sense, but it is very weird as I get all the panic symptoms like feeling sweaty, flushed, heart racing, weakness. It drives me crazy!

Positive affirmation helps me a lot, like ' I lnow what this is, everything is fine, this will pass'....that kind of thing. I also try to keep on keeping on as it were, to try to quell that feeling that you want to run away during a panic attack, but that is the hardest I think. I do find that the more times you can face panic and get through it, it does build confidence that you will cope the next time.

lots of love and luck.xx:hugs:

27-12-10, 21:50
Aah thanks for your reply Mick, I do appreciate it. The 'out of the blue' ones are definitely the worst. It's 4 years since my panic attacks started and I feel like things are just getting worse all the time. My agoraphobia is at its worst now, to the point where i haven't visited my mum who lives 13 miles away for about 6 months. It doesnt seem to matter how much I tell myself a panic attack won't do me any harm, they still scare the living daylights out of me. Have you overcome panic attacks or agoraphobia? Any tips would be gratefully received! :)

27-12-10, 21:56
I kind of have. I still get bad days. Crowds, supermarket, that kind of stuff, but the thing that helped me was going out or doing something you feared even when you feel like death. Anything you can do to undo the fears even if it's only walk 20 yds one day, but try and get somewhere, doesn't matter if its only to the gate and back. Everytime you make a little progress it shoves that fear back a bit more. worked for me.
(and I always have my mp3 player blasting in my ears when i go out) :D

27-12-10, 21:59
Thanks Debs, people on here are so kind. It really helps to know people are going through the same thing (although obviously I wouldn't wish this on anybody). I think you're right though, there must always be some underlying cause, even if they seem to come out of nowhere. I suppose all we can do is keep on trying, and never let these panicky feelings get the better of us. Although that's harder than it sounds! I do end up feeling quite alone and sorry for myself sometimes! Are your family supportive when you have a panic attack? x

27-12-10, 22:05
Thanks Mick, I'm so happy for you that you have got a hold of your panic attacks and you aren't letting them control your life. You must be very strong. Do you have a supportive family? Do you find it easier to do things alone or to have somebody with you? Have you ever struggled with panicking when far away from home? That's definitely my worst thing - feeling like I can't travel more than a few miles from home in case I have a panic attack.

27-12-10, 22:11
Well, I live alone, but if you can get someone to go with you it's a real help at first and don't jump in at the deep end and try something too ambitious, little by little is good (well it worked for me)
If you do go out, always try to have a reason to go. even if it's just to the nearest post box or something. Keep a diary if you can, see the progress you make, and if you get a bad day. Tough. have a cup of tea and think about the times you did well :D

27-12-10, 22:23
Good advice. I live with my boyfriend but to be honest he doesnt really understand panic attacks, and he can't understand why I am so scared of them. There has been several occasions when I have had panic attacks and asked him to turn round and go home, and he has reacted badly so it makes me nervous about going anywhere with him. Did you ever have days where you were feeling really anxious and thought that if you tried to go out and do something then you would do more harm than good?

27-12-10, 22:28
yeah it can happen, but the thing i learned real quick, was no matter how i was feeling, what i was going throug. I didn't die. I didn't have a heart attack and i didn't faint, and once i had calmed down, i felt fine.
I guess its hard to explain to someone why you get anxious about going out. Families don't always help.

27-12-10, 22:43
yeah you're right there. Do you mind me asking how long you had panic attacks before you started to gain control?

27-12-10, 22:43
This has happened to me for some reason no matter what or where most of my life.In recent years I have learned to always carry a rescue med just in case. Hope you feel better soon.Michael

27-12-10, 22:49
rescue meds an excellent idea :yesyes:

Took me ages to get control of it ann, but that was because i was going at it all wrong. Just charging in doesn't always work and that's how i tried to get over it. Then i took my time and on the good days did more, on the bad days did a little. it does work. I know it doesn't seem like it at the moment, but it does work