View Full Version : Just Curious If Anyone Else Struggles With This?

27-12-10, 22:37

I don't think this is a blow by blow account but it might be.Im just really curious .. if anyone else suffers with issues that I am feeling.

Every morning I wake up.. the air is cold.. say about 50 degrees..I turn the heater on in the house also a little room heater.

After about an hour my head gets really stuffy and I start feeling as though its hard to breathe..like there isn't enough oxygen..We live in an old house not really insulated built in the 1940's ..its drafty so doesn't really heat evenly..Some places are a little cold others a little hot..So it makes life a little rough.

Anyway getting back to the oxygen.. It gets so miserable I just want to lay down and go to sleep..I feel sweaty and cold at the same time and don't feel as though I can breathe ok.Im not sure whether its just anxiety or something really wrong..

Could it just be stuffy feeling making me imagine I cannot breathe or could it be anxiety period.. Or could it be not being able to get enough oxygen.

I don't really understand feeling like this.We moved here from a place that had 25 percent less oxygen and I could breathe fine.Last time at doctors she said lungs and heart were fine.The only difference here is the humidity is usually 50 percent or more..and when im feeling this its usually 70 percent or more.

When we lived in the place with less oxygen it was barely ever 15 to 20 percent humidity.I don't have a wheeze.I don't gasp for air.I don't have a cough.. nor blue fingers ,lips or any other sign that im not getting enough oxygen however I do feel a little dizzy from time to time but think that has to do with the lighting..

As I said sorry if this turned out to be blow by blow.. but I need to know..if anyone anyone else has this issue..living in a old house and having uneven heat and feeling of being smothered.. If anyone else has the same issue please post here.Thanks. Michael

paula lynne
27-12-10, 22:48
Hi, I seem to get out of breath/hot and clamy/uncomfortable veru quicky when the heating comes on in my house (radiators). Youve given me food for thought, I need to check out the most comfortable temp and get my thermostat fixed, its either freezing or like the tropics in my place. Can I ask you, this heater of yours, is it old? Have you checked its not giving off any fumes etc....

27-12-10, 23:13
Thats a good question its gas and central heat..you know.. one that operates from the same area where the air condition uses..same unit except gas burners..Also this house has some kind of cellulite insulation in the attic that I think probably blows through the house..I think Ill have the heat man come out and check it ,now that you mention it.I also heard that room heaters tend to suck a lot of oxygen out of the air.. so maybe its a combo of both..Thanks.I don't know why I haven't thought about getting it checked..Michel

paula lynne
27-12-10, 23:16
Great, glad I could help Michel. In the meantime, can I suggest while you are still using this heating system, that you keep a small window open to let fresh air in until its checked out. Best wishes, Paula

Going home
27-12-10, 23:38
Hi Michael, do you remember when you posted about the heat in your house bothering you before? and I mentioned that some people use humidifiers because the dry heat of gas radiator heating can produce the symptoms you describe...it can sap your energy and reduce the oxygen in the atmosphere and humidifiers redress the balance. Even before you go out to buy any you can use the old water bowl trick underneath the radiators. I know that when my heating comes on in the mornings it can make the bedrooms very stuffy and I do suffer with the effects of this too, so i do sympathise.

Anna x

27-12-10, 23:47
Hey Going Home,.was wondering.. could it be low humidity? or high humidity? Im not sure just which.. since when I feel this seems to be around times of higher humidity outside..but guess I could get a barometer and check it out. I think ill order one tonight.. to see if that is what is going on..As I mentioned the house is old and has plaster walls that holds moisture instead of drywall that most modern houses have..But i will get a barometer and check the readings..If too high ill try to get a dehumidifier or if too low Ill get a humidifier ..Thanks for the help.Michael

Going home
28-12-10, 00:14
I'm not really sure to be honest because i think your weather is different over there, but maybe its that whatever is going on outside isn't happening inside? If you have gas heating inside and no windows open then it would be the effects of this heating that bothers you rather than what the weather is doing outside...if that makes any sense sorry. If not just ignore me lol!

Anna x

28-12-10, 00:43
Im not just sure of what is going on either.I have called the heating people and they are going to try to come out this week to check for gas leaks..I am going to try and get a radon dector and mole detector..I know this sounds extreme but rather be safe than sorry..in the meantime going to open a few windows a little to make sure there is plenty of O2 in the air or at least enough to breathe... Another thing..we were five years at 8500 ft above sea level..thats a mile and one half and usually 10 to 15 percent humidity real dry.arid place..Acutally its the highest alpine desert in the world..Anyway being used to that..now back in a place where humidity stays 50 percent or more.. and we are alsmost at sea level here. You would think it would be easier to breathe being 25 percent more oxygen but its harder because of humidity ,pollution.. etc.. So ill just have to do some investigation.Thanks for sounding in..Michael