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23-03-06, 14:52
Went to see the counsellor at the GP surgery today as a stop gap til my CBT appointment comes through. All she did was tell me I'm a hypachondriac and say "Well I had a backache last week so I could have cancer" and ask why I thought the NHS should waste a support worker on me - she came unstuck when I revealed that I'm on Bupa lol, and my GP walked in and said I might be able to go in The Priory if my insurance covers me. Also, I got upset and told her that I get scared in case I've got cancer, stroke, heart disease, Aids etc and she said "have an HIV test then if you're that worried," instead of reassuring me.

All my blood tests came back fine in February, so if someone did have HIV then would something abnormal show up somewhere? I know they wouldnt come out and say "you've got HIV" but surely there would be abnormalities for crying out loud. I don't even sleep with anyone, havent since 2004, but I keep thinking the worst (as you do)

Anxiety Is Evil

23-03-06, 15:38
hiya hun,
i have had some bad experiences with counsellors, trying to tell me they are only their to talk bout my abuse as a child, but surely they should help with every aspect of your life. then i learned that they werent the right counsellor for me, you need to find one that you feel comfortable with hun, it could take some time, but you will get their in the end. every counsellor sometimes says things we dont want to hear, just remember you know yourself more then they do.

thinking of you



23-03-06, 16:12
Hi Farrah,

I just wanted to say I think it is disgusting the way you were treated it is not a method of counselling I have ever heard of before. I have worked with counsellors through my work before and I know there is plenty of bad ones out there maybe you should write a letter of complaint to her and await a response that is satisfactory.

It would seem apparent that she probably doesn’t understand your condition as you said anxiety is evil, very evil. As you have said you probably know you haven’t got HIV given you haven’t slept with anyone since 2004. Saying that it doesn’t mean that you don’t need reassured and assisted with your problems.

I really hope you find a solution and if you come across a good counsellor you should explain that you haven’t slept with anyone and explain your concerns about HIV. Bupa are really, really good so I hope you get something from them I think that will help you a lot.

Best of luck,


23-03-06, 18:03

I am so sorry that you had to go through such a thing...and with a professional too! I just posted about my crap doctor.

It just seems that doctors don't know how to deal with patients that aren't well. They have no idea how to treat you if you're "sick". That person was very hateful for saying what she did to you. She had no tact at all.

I always say we have to be an advocate for ourselves because no one else will step up. It's just so hard because you grow up learning to trust the people in the white coats.

Good Luck Farr and don't take anymore crap!!
