View Full Version : Hello

28-12-10, 02:10
Hello everyone

I kind of stumbled across this website by accident, looking into my medication and side effects ect. It really is a huge place, and helpful too. Ive just received my diagnosis of Anxiety Disorder and agoraphobia, Ive been prescribed Sertraline and Oxazepam, its only been a week on medication so far, so we will see how it all goes. Not sure what else to say so I will say bye for now, and continue to browse the site and read the forums

28-12-10, 02:11
Hi Talan

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

29-12-10, 00:10
Hope you had a good christmas and that the meds are kicking in to make you feel better

paula lynne
29-12-10, 00:20
Hi Talan, welcome aboard. Youll find lots of support and help here, and make some good friends along the way. Nice to meet you :welcome:

Vanilla Sky
29-12-10, 21:12
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x