View Full Version : Worried - throat

Jamie C
28-12-10, 06:17
Hey guys

Rather than update my otherpost i thought i'd make a new one cos i feel this is something different, been exeperiancing a dry throat, feels like theres some phlegm (mucus) stuck in it with a lump, sometimes i get a quick pain at the back of my throat where it joins my ear duct thingys (i dont know proper word lol) usually its itchy and i have a dry cough. Ihave been bringing up lots of mucus aswell. On the outside it my throat were the adams apple is feels really hard but if i press it to hard it hurts, feels swollen around there and the base of the jaw and also sometimes tight and hard to breath, and two vein like things running along either side of my adams apple feel kind hard too, perhaps their veins and i'm over worrying? Never got to see my Dr cos of the snow but really am worried now and will be trying to get an appointment asap but that probs wont be till the new year. I want to stop worrying, anyone else got the same and is it ok or is it bad??

Replys are always appreciated

Cheers Jamie C

Jamie C
28-12-10, 07:00
Extra info:
well when i say it feels hard around my adams apple its more sort of under my chin, its like the size of a brazil nut and is sore when i press it and stuff, feels kinda lumpy too and i've had it about 6 weeks now, i did see drs a few weeks back but didnt mention the lumpy thing cos i didn't feel it was important untill i asked google :(anyway the dr said its a viral infection, could this acctually be the cause of all of this?

cheers jamie c