View Full Version : Still panicking

28-12-10, 08:28
So here I am again. Woke up this morning and as soon as I opened my eyes that was it, waves of panic and nausea hit me. I just can't get a grip on myself. Can't believe I feel so ill - when all was ok a week ago. It's getting harder and harder to make myself get out of bed - am I going mad? I feel ill all day - it's not like I have a panic attack and it goes and that's it - I feel like I'm having one huge panic attack all day. And now I have this feeling of depersonalisation - I'll be talking to people or trying to do something but I won't really be there and the world feels like a different place to where I am. And I'm just sitting here all day thinking of my feelings, how I feel, wishing and praying that just for ten minutes I can get back to feeling normal. I'm getting myself wound up about having to go back to work, even though I have been signed off from work for 2 weeks, everything around me feels wrong. Can anyone relate. Sorry to go on and on again - I just feel so desperate.

28-12-10, 15:50
i can relate soooooooooo much and feel exactly the same - every day my body feels like i have been in a fight with aching joints bones and sevee pains in chest and left arm/fingers but my pulse isnt racing but feel extremely on edge.
i was so bad 13 years ago i ended up agrophobic so please try and fight it off, i know its hard but it does help

28-12-10, 15:57
whats changed in a week did you have an attack

28-12-10, 16:06
A week ago my boyfriend's mother, who had come to stay with him for a week, fell ill, was taken into hospital and died. He called me at 3 am to go to the hospital with him and I went although felt panicky but after that I felt really depressed and from there I started getting anxious as I was constantly thinking about how awful I felt and my thoughts were all about me - how depressed I was, what if I can't get to work? what if this, what if that - totally negative thoughts, which made me feel guilty as I should have been thinking about his mum and his feelings. I'm so uptight now, like a coiled spring, I'm chasing around constantly thinking "when will I feel better" and then my stomach turns over and I start thinking I'm never going to get over this. It's all so pathetic. I'm so pathetic.

eternally optimistic
28-12-10, 17:21
Hi there

It is not good when you start worrying about so much. Returning to work, being uptight, chasing around, none of which is good for anxiety...

Are your meds helping you yet??

Is it worth going back to see the doctor tomorrow?