View Full Version : Citalopram

28-12-10, 09:59
Doctor put me on citalopram last week (after many years). Got the pills home, read the side effects and possible interactions with warfarin (which I am already on) and bleeding problems, and thought "shit - I'll just stick with my anxiety" and promtly took the pills straight back to the chemist. Anybody on citalopram, and what are they like ?

28-12-10, 10:11
Hi binashubby,

I'd suggest going back to your GP and discussing your concerns re warfarin interactions. I'm surprised GP didn't mention this to you if there are any significant risks.

I've been on citalopram for 6 months now and once the initial month or so of side effects wore off, for me they've been fabulous. There is lots of info on this forum too.

eternally optimistic
28-12-10, 10:54
Hi there,

I took citalopram back in 2007 for a year, only 10mg and it got me back on track.
Dont think I would have done it without....

I have reently started back on them in the last 2 weeks and am hoping for the same success..

I too, first time round, was scared stiff to take them but am glad I did.

Have you read the notes on here for citalopram?

Happycamper is right, go back for some reassurance from the GP.

Good luck