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View Full Version : can anyone describe the difference between aura migrain and brain tumor? worrying

28-12-10, 12:37
so i had the first ever aura migraine yesterday and i have to say I have never been so scared in all my life..
I was so scared I didnt want to go to sleep in case I didnt wake up.. I have also been waiting for it to happen again today just sat on edge waiting for the signs.

im also convinced it was caused by a brain tumour.
I suffer with headaches and have done so since a child, the diagnosis was that I needed glasses. After aged 9 I stopped wearing them and I admit, I find things hard to see sometimes.
During ovulation I suffer with migraines for around 2 days and during my period I have a headache for a day and then another when my period has finished... the same every month so Im assuming its hormones causing this???

however, I have managed to convince myself its a tumour :( my kiddies grandma has a brain tumour which was removed but she not totally in the clear- it sent her really funny in that she had no idea who she was, where she was, what she was doing... and she collapsed in great pain from the tumour pressing on the nerves in the brain- now although I dont have those symptoms she had, Im still worried after last nights episode that it was a warning to get checked out.
Im really quite worried. xxx

28-12-10, 12:47
Migraine auras seem to be the same in everyone in that they start as a wiggly line progressing into zigzags going across vision or your outer vision is broken up.

As you know from grandma tumours produce very serious and definite symptoms - often its a seizure in an adult for the first time or like grandma not something you could put down to anything minor.

The first time I had a migraine aura was about 15 yrs ago and it scared me silly as well and I spent weeks waiting for it to happen again. I didn't have any more for about 8 yrs.

In that time I had a couple of mri brain scans for other reasons and no tumour so I knew when it happened again that it was a migraine aura and nothing else.

IF you keep on getting the auras many times over the next few weeks then yes you need to see your Dr for reassurance and maybe ask for a scan just to put your mind at rest - you GP probably cannot send you for a brain scan but they can refer you to a consultant who could.

The last time I had them about 3 yrs ago I got 3 or 4 over space of a week and was seriously freaked even though i knew what they were just because they were unpleasant - with me they lasted only a few mintues and I had no headache either.

28-12-10, 13:13
I dont need to see a dr with this do I? because I just read online that if anyone experience an aura migraine they should consult a dr to rule out a stroke?

even more concerned now.

28-12-10, 13:19
I went to the docs with mine and i was told there was nothing to worry about.u need to stop checkin online hun.it doesnt help the anxiety at all xxx

28-12-10, 13:22
I went to the docs with mine and i was told there was nothing to worry about.u need to stop checkin online hun.it doesnt help the anxiety at all xxx

im too scared to go incase they send me for a bloody mri and find i have a tumor... :(

28-12-10, 13:41
U should go if ur worried hun.i wish they had sent me for a scan then atleast i would know instead of sitting and worrying everytime i get a pain in my head xxx

28-12-10, 15:12
U should go if ur worried hun.i wish they had sent me for a scan then atleast i would know instead of sitting and worrying everytime i get a pain in my head xxx

bless you. im not quite that bad as I have suffered with headaches for years due to my eyes apparently... stubborn as I am I will not wear glasses.
though the aura scared me to death... how could you want a scan on your brain? lol i'd rather not know.....xxx

28-12-10, 15:25
Haha.alot of my fear is of the unknown i suppose.so i only feel beta if i do know.ive had ecgs that were normal but i wanted a heart scan instead!i had my eyes tested cause i was told they can pick up alit of illnesses including tumours and that was brill no problem but still want a brain scan!what i dont get is if u dont find out for sure how will u ever stop being scared bcause everytime u get a migraine ur always gunna fear the worst!xx

Going home
28-12-10, 23:19
Jeanine, are you still googling this? Sorry that its still worrying you, especially after alot of us told you yesterday in your other thread that we get the same thing as you described, and that its very much more likely to be a migraine aura and not a brain tumour. But then, we can't diagnose, only share what we experience ourselves, so if you are really that worried then its best to see the doctor and maybe ask for a scan or something, thats the only way you're going to know for sure if the people who also get this aren't reassuring you enough. Googling symptoms isn't really recomended either to be honest, it only makes you feel worse. Take care.

Anna x

paula lynne
28-12-10, 23:38
Ive had migraines since I started my periods aged 11. All my life. (Im nearly 40) I get about 3 a month, just before my period. Its probably hormonal changes in oestrogen causing this. I usually take Migraleve (pink/yellow tabs). They knock me out though, and I end up in bed for hours, cant move.

I tried something called Nurofen Migraine last month. Purple packet, half the price of Migralieve. Try them, they are brilliant. Take them as soon as you get the aura, and although you may have a little headache after, you wont be knocked out, and can carry on with your day.

Can I suggest an eye test if you havent seen an optician for a while. Also, some foods maybe a trigger for you, so rule them out.

I really think you should see your gp, not simply for reassurance, but to distinguish the type of migraine you have. My sister gets the aura, but no pain, and she is on medication from her gp. I get aura and pain, but dont need anything from my gp, just take my own meds for it. Your gp can also do a hormonal blood test at ovulation, as oestrogen dominance is a trigger for migraine. This is also treatable. Make an appointment with your gp. And please stop googling.x