View Full Version : i am only afraid of...

28-12-10, 14:06
i am only afraid of the anxiety itself. i am only afraid of FEAR of anxiety and all the nasty ways it makes me feel! And that is where it all starts! i wake up in the morning and my 1st thought is " how do i feel?" I am sure "normal" people just get up and get at it and there is no big analizing of "how do i feel?". In the past, when i felt "normal" , i never ever spent so much time examining how i friggin felt! And as soon as i let my mind start to think about it... the anxiety is back! morning after morning after crappy morning! I am all consumed by it! There has to be a way to overcome this... maybe just up and at it and refuse to start every day with the same anxiety provoking thought process. sooo figgin sick of it!

28-12-10, 14:22
Hi.wen my anxiety first started i was so bad in the morning wen i woke sometimes i couldnt even get out of bed.there was points where i was so bad i couldnt see and used to phone for ambulances.now four yrs later i can open my eyes and not feel that feelin of impending doom.wen i wake up i have a stretch and take sum nice deep breaths and smile.then its like ur trickin ur brain if that makes sense and i also have a mantra that i chant to myself so my brain cant fill me witb dread.u should give it a go!xxx

28-12-10, 14:36
Mornings are truly truly hell for me! sets the tone for the day i supect! having a very bad morning for no reason. Feeling such intense self pity , despair and just could cry until there is nothing left of me. had a better plan than this for the day. thanks for commenting.. i do appreciate it.

28-12-10, 15:14
I really do understand how u feeling.wen i was bad i actually thought i would b better off dead!wow ive never actually said that to anyone before!are u gettin any help?it really is all about retraining ur brain!xx

28-12-10, 20:27
my doctor said that if i felt no better in the new year he would be sending me for CBT. NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS DID I THINK THIS WOULD GO ON AND ON THIS LONG! i have to make some real committments to exercise, eating healthy etc... i need change so bad! ( as we all do i am sure)

28-12-10, 20:48
Same here... I too am only afraid of the anxiety. It drives me crazy and I know the A-Z on the subject about how we teach our brains to act like this. I'm getting better by the day though .. kirstyt.. I'm with you on the morning thing ... I do that too :)