View Full Version : Others like me!

28-12-10, 14:27
Hi folks, my name is Katie and I am so pleased to have found a website where there are others who feel like me.
I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks since i was thirteen, and am now 30. I took citalopram on varying doses for 7 years, but was recently decreased and then taken off of them. Within 2 weeks my anxiety was terrible again and i had to go back onto the meds. I have been taking the citalopram 20mg for 5 weeks now (had awful side effects the first two weeks). After that, life seemed to return to normal for a couple of weeks, but over Christmas my anxiety has come to the forefront again (especially in the mornings). I haven't indulged in any alcohol either! Am going to see the doc tommorow to discuss whether the dose needs increasing...........

28-12-10, 14:29
Hi katiebean

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

28-12-10, 16:12
Hi Katie welcome to the forum:).

28-12-10, 16:14
Welcome Katie :hugs:
