View Full Version : Advice needed - should I take medication?

23-03-06, 16:01
From end of last year I have been seeing a Mental Health Practioner for anxiety/panic attacks. He has been giving me worksheets, advice and homework on coping with panic attacks. The past couple of weeks I've completed a tick sheet and from this the Menthal Health Practionier can assess my mood and how the anxiety is. Basically I'm more depressed than anxious with moderate to extreme anxiety.

I currently do not take any medication and have been trying all these exercises he gives me to do with bad thought processes and negative thinking etc and what to do to control the panics.

On several occasions he has asked me if I wanted to consider going on medication and I've always refused thinking I will be able to get better through correct/positive thinking and through the advice/help he is giving. Besides I've been on medication before, when I was 21 I went onto Seraxant for depression and was on that for 3 years. At about 25 I went onto Citalopram for about a year for anxiety. I have been medication free for the last 2 years, but have struggled no end with anxiety and panic. I quit my very well paid job because I couldn't cope. I now work part time. I dread going out, meeting people, day to day tasks are difficult to do, but then again if I have a good day I can do all these things - the good days come every couple of weeks.

My dilamma. Do I take up the offer and go for the medciation or keep going how I'm going with small progress; Once on medication I'll have all the side affects to get through before they start working, then face them again when I come off them, with the numb feeling in between. But it can't be worse than what I'm feeling already with the anxiety?

I just don't know what to do. [Sigh...]

25-03-06, 09:53
Firstly, one mistake is to think you will automatically have side effects starting and stopping meds. This is often the case but definately not always (personal experience). Also, when done properly and slowly you can limit the side effects to a managable level.

Not all meds are the same. You may not have side ffects with a diff one.

If you can get thru it with exercise and good thoughts etc etc and no meds then that is the best of course but if you need help, dont be afraid to try a med or a diff one or even another one augmented with the current etc. I reccommend lexapro but each person is different. There are about 30 to try, you can find one that is right for you. Lexapro is a newer version with less side effects from all reports.

Only you can decide in the end if med is right for you but if you need a litle help to get better, then go for it! Its no shame and you have the right attitude tryign to help yourself as meds help but they dont fix it for you. It is still up to you.

Keep trying I guess but if its too much, try a ssri med etc to help you along or a diff one.

Remember, dont automatically believe you will have side effects because not everyone does. But if you, and you may do, they will go after a while normally.

P.S. I did read your post properly and I am sorry mine is a bit hickledy pickledy! but I think you get what I mean. I am tired sorrry lol


Learning to under react

11-04-06, 14:40
speak to your gp my gp put me on cipralex I pretty much had the same symtons as you and have hardly any side effects keep talking to the professionals and going with their advice, if we trust in them we should all get better xo naomi

12-04-06, 05:52
i was on the pills came off them then 2 years ok started again with bad panic attacks...................could not cope with them anymore went back on the pills i feal great 100 %at first i wanted to do it on myown without the pills but i could not handle it anymore do what is best for u hun