View Full Version : getting stuck HELP

28-12-10, 18:47
hi anyone,
would very much appreciate any help on a a symptom of my anxiety condition.i am new to this site and new to forums and understanding how they work.:blush:i have suffered from anxiety for 5 year and it is a real challenge as you will all be very well aware....:mad:i have a symptom of my condition which will put me in a mental hospital:wacko:PLEASE HELP what happens is when i am speaking in a group setting or public speaking when i go to swallow i get stuck and cant swallow(VERY FRUSTRATING)fortunatley it doesnt happen every time but i just think about it all a time when speaing and distracts me from what i am speaking about...if that makes sense:unsure:please help anyone with advise,suggestions,ideas or even personal experiences thanx paul:weep:

28-12-10, 18:57
I have something like this except it's when I'm eating, sometimes I physically can't swallow the food.

I'm not an expert on it cuz it still happens to me sometimes but I'd say you have to relax (duh lol sorry :D) it doesn't happen to me when I'm relaxed. Maybe you could try improving your confidence with group speaking, maybe talk infront of a mirror for a bit every day, or before you have to go up to speak infront of a group just take a couple of minutes to relax your throat and you're mind. When you're speaking try to not concentrate on your throat or swallowing at all, just on what you have to say or use the old tip of imagining everyone in their underwear! I'm sure that will distract from swallowing. :D

Remember, everyone has some kind of insecurity and a lot of people hate public speaking too. Hope this helped a little bit. x

28-12-10, 19:39
well thanx very much pokerface for your advise (just relax thats the best one i have heard for a long time:D.)i do alot of speaking and people dont realise i am seriously mentally ill:wacko:i have learned to mask it very well but get a bit tired at times fighting all a time i want to be able to speak without having crazy mental thoughts about swallowing and getting stuck is that too much to ask:weep:by the way that can some times happen to me when eating (try and steer clear of chewy meats and try and eat light and salady)deffo helps thanx cooley2274:)