View Full Version : Just when everything was going so well...

28-12-10, 20:35
For the past few days, I have been feeling pretty good. No huge anxiety flare ups or panic attacks.

Then today i was with my fiance in PETCO. I was leaning down to say hi to some parrots on a low cage. When I righted myself, I felt like a pop or snap in the right side of my head near the top, followed by a hot sensation. It only lasted a second and it feels fine now, but I am so scared it was a burst blood vessel and i am super anxious all over again.

I HATE this crap with every fiber of my being. Now I am scared to bend down, can you believe it? This is no way to live.

28-12-10, 20:57

Don't worry about this. I used to get these pains in the top of my head at the side, it was like a sudden pain that was really hot, and it would be painful for about 30 seconds or so. It felt like I'd pulled a muscle in my head! It would normally happen when I turned my head suddenly or something. I'm absolutely sure it's nothing, and you're fine. :)