View Full Version : New (and a bit shy!)

28-12-10, 22:17
I'm looking forward to chatting with you all but I'm a bit shy... :blush:

I'm 30 and from Newcastle. :) I've had depression and anxiety on and off for years and started having panic attacks again in March 2010. They've gotten so bad that I'm now pretty much housebound. I'd love to get some advice and support from fellow sufferers and maybe make some friends in my area.

Look forward to meeting you all


28-12-10, 22:18
Hi FlutterbyDreams

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
28-12-10, 22:23
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

28-12-10, 22:27
:welcome:you have deffo come to right place..life is a challenge without the difficulty of anxiety and depression.the good news is that there is help and support and advise available.so what have you tried? treatments? support? paul:)

eternally optimistic
28-12-10, 22:32
Hi and welcome.

You've found a great site here, and I hope you enjoy it and find it useful too.

paula lynne
28-12-10, 23:49
Hi Debs, welcome aboard. Youll find lots of help and support here, youre not alone x:welcome:

Going home
28-12-10, 23:51
Hi there Flutterby...welcome :flowers:

Anna x

03-01-11, 16:24
Hi, I'm also 30 and have had anxiety/depression for most of my life. It has left me virtually housebound apart from a few well meaning friends who try to get me out from time to time. I write this to let you know you are not alone. I'm also new here and am not very good at talking to strangers so if you feel like it, say hello.

On The Outside
03-01-11, 16:35
Hi and welcome, I understand what you're going through as I've been struggling to leave the hosue for the last few years and am only able to when I meet up with my friend or have an appointment. I'm really hoping to try to make myself go out more this year even if it's just for walks or trying to go into shops (which I never used to have such a problem with until my Social Anxiety became so bad). I'm also shy and find it hard to interact with people. Hope you make some friends here and get some good support! :)

Blue Order 1972
03-01-11, 16:38
Hi Debs

I've also just joined today and it has already made me feel better after probably the worst two weeks since my anxiety started.

Im from Hartlepool just down the road and have exactly the same problem as you, this forum will help and feel free to contact me whenever you want to

take care x

19-01-11, 12:17
Hi everyone!

Thank you all for the warm welcome! :) It helps to know that I'm not alone and that there are people out there who feel the same way I do and who understand that a 'bad day' isn't just a bad day!

so what have you tried? treatments? support? paul:smile:
Hi Paul - I've had counselling sessions at my GP surgery, done CBT with the psychiatric nurse, had sessions with psychologists through the hospital and am now seeing one who wants to try EMDR as the CBT isn't working for me. Medication-wise I've had a few different types - Citalopram, Fluoxetine, Paroxetine and Sertraline are the ones I can remember. Right now I'm taking Propranolol and Diazepam on an as-needed basis. I really don't like taking tablets. If I have a good day, I'm never sure if it's 'me' or the drugs.....:shrug:
Support is the difficult one! Not everyone knows about my problems and I find it hard to explain or ask for help. I feel socially isolated and don't have a great support network. My best friend was one of the few people who knew pretty much everything and who loved me at my worst. She passed away suddenly in October last year. I'm not doing so well without her.

I look forward to chatting with you all :)

Debs x

12-03-11, 08:18
Hi Debs,

I'm from Newcastle too. I hope you don't mind I sent you a mesg via email. I hope you got it as I didn't get any confirmation.
Please feel free to contact me if you like. I know how lonely this Anxiety lark can be!
Take care

26-03-11, 15:36
Debs, how are you doing? :)