View Full Version : advice needed please

29-12-10, 09:58
hello how was every ones christmas......was just woundering if any one had any tips on stopping yourself thinking about anxiety. its all i think about if i could stop myself thinking about it all day i could get rid of the last couple of niggles one being always having a since some thing isnt quite right but im not sure what any advice would be great thank you xx:mad:

30-12-10, 09:45
Hello again sorry to keep on posting but im just getting my self so stressed if any one could help that would be great im just cant stop thinking about anxiety and how do i feel in my head just dont feel like me if any one can understand been taking sertraline for about 5 weeks now do i need to give it abit more time also taking propanaolol would like to stop that but worry my heart will go to fast sorry if that seems silly but cant help worring about every thing even things i wouldnt think twice about

30-12-10, 10:21
Hello again sorry to keep on posting but im just getting my self so stressed if any one could help that would be great im just cant stop thinking about anxiety and how do i feel in my head just dont feel like me if any one can understand been taking sertraline for about 5 weeks now do i need to give it abit more time also taking propanaolol would like to stop that but worry my heart will go to fast sorry if that seems silly but cant help worring about every thing even things i wouldnt think twice about

Hi there, it can take up to 8 weeks for ADs to properly kick in but do see your GP if you are suffering with the anxiety, it does help to go and have a chat with your GP, makes you realise you are not going mad and are not alone! It helps me to get out in the fresh air, to go for a long walk, if I am feeling anxious and or depressed.