View Full Version : Need advice

29-12-10, 11:11
hi my baby granson has been rushed in to hospital and dont know wat to do as i dont want to go up to the hospital as im so anxiouse and a part of me wants to go but then the anxiety sets in and says no and if i dont go i know ill only feel worse because im giving in to my anxiety surely anxiety cant be like this just dont know wat to do to so can any one advice me how to handle this

29-12-10, 11:19
oh sweetie you poor thing, who wouldn't be anxious. Are his parents with him ? If so why don't you stay where you are until they have a diagnosis. Ask his parents to ring you asap - which I am sure they would do.

Might you be useful in collecting some clothes, nappies, toys for him in case he stays in ?

If he stays in hospital you can take what is required with you and that would be a huge help and relief to his parents.

Anyone going through this would be anxious so don't worry the nursing staff will be very kind and supportive.

Please don't beat yourself up for being anxious -anyone would be in this situation. If you feel you can go to the hospital and support your son/daughter then go and try - the staff WILL support you!!

Good luck sweetie and hoping all is okay with your Grandson.

Please let us know how its all going - a terrifying time for all I am sure, we are here for youxxx

29-12-10, 11:39
thk you very much my dauhter is with him i just feel if im not there with her i m letting her down and she needs my suport iwill let u know how things are and thk u again

29-12-10, 11:48
I wish I could do more hun, if you wanted try and attend the hospital i am sure the nurses would support you, they will be used to people in your situation.

What ever you decide hun will be for the best.

thinking and praying for you and your familyxx

29-12-10, 12:30
say a prayer for him